Page 4 The Other Press The staff of the other press has engaged in heated, lengthy discussion concerning publica- tion of the poem ‘‘Welders’’. This discussion was largely occaisioned by the responses to the poem ‘‘Platonic Relationship’ published in the October 16, 1981 issue. It became apparent that we were not about to come to a concensus on the artistic value and appropriatness for inclusion in our paper, of ‘‘Welders’’. We decided to publish it. It is not our policy to “reStrict ourselves in this paper to non-con- troversial subjects and views. We _ invite responces to the poem, both positive and negative, as well as responces to all the poetry published here. It is usually the case that negative reactions provoke written responces while positive ones do so less, so please respond. This is so that we may determine future policy. P.S. Please submitt poetry for publication. We need it. Buidheann & Other Press , Leannan #1 . 9. Tinn le gaol fear-cuthaich Helene Wisotzki Also, John Knowles, Alastair McColl, Dave Balderstone, Stu (2), and Libby Dogg. ‘Gang’ of The Other Press 1. newsmonger lan Hunter 2. CUP Advisor Debbie wilson 3. Poetry Editor Jody Gilbert 4. Business Manager Cal Rayburn 5. Assistant to P.J. Stallard Rob Anthony 6. Typographer Alastair McColl 7. Devilishness Perry Obedinski 8, Entertainment/Inspiration Lina Meagher 9. Photography Paul Sum 10. Sweetheart #1 Dan Hillborn 11 lL awvesick | unatic Helene Wisotzki The Other Press is a democratically-run, autonomus student newspaper published eight _times a semester during the fall and spring terms under the auspices of The Other Publications Society. The Other Press is a member of Canadian University Press. The Other Press news office is located at the back of the New Westminster campus cafeteria. Phone:525-3542. Our mailing address is Box 2503, Douglas College New Westminster British Columbia. ye Of }9hhe ad nw halt: ee ee em mn em me ee ee te a ee 1. Fear-naidheachd lan Hunter 2. Comhairleach 4 CUP _ Debbie Wilson — 3. Fear-rannsachaidh a bardachd Jody Gilbert 4. Fear-stitraidh a gnothach Cal Rayburn 5. Diabhluldheachd Perry Obedinski 6. Feisd/deachdadh an Spioraid Lina Meagher 7. dealbh Paul Sum 8 DanHillborn Other Propaganda I wish to protest, in the strongest terms, the use of your newspaper for the promotion of the I.R.A. While I realize that the maintenance of a free press requires that you publish view that are not acceptable to everybody you also have the responsibility of not providing a forum for the dissemination of propa- ganda from such a despic- able organization. Unfort- unately, even to respond to these articles lends a'mea- sure of credibility to their content. Nevertheless, I should point out to your readers that the IRA, which purports to have the sup- port of the Irish people, has’ been consistently and re- peatedly rejected by the population of both parts of Ireland. Time after time the vast majority of the people of Northern Ireland have expressed their wish to remain British citizens, so when one talks of the (British leaving Ireland real- ly one means that they should leave their own country - a quite ridiculous Proposal! In addition, plaining about their lack of civil rights, the right to life, to some 2500 people in while com-- Ulster over the past twelve years. That the normal jud- icial procedures have to be modified in a country where murder and mayhem is the way of life is hardly surpris- ing. ..Once again I suggest your paper is hardly a fitting place to promote an organization which has re- lied so heavily for financing upon a highly gullible north American population which sees the Irish problems through sentimental eyes. Yours sincerely, Desmond Wilson Loyalists kill people too. Dear Mr. Wilson, I am appreciative of your recognition of our right to publish articles dealing with ’ unpopular issues. Why is it that more people speak out against the I.R.A. than against the Paisleyites? I am not defending Republ- tcan violence; I realise that tt is still murder. I do ~ believe, however, that the — I.R.A.’s activities, and the Ignorant ramblings from Reaganite. What is this trash I’ve been reading? - i.e. ‘‘True American Atrocities’’. In general they are poorly researched, (an interesting note - much of the informa- tion seems to come from comics), very much over- simplified, and, as they respresent a peculiarly bia- sed point of view. But let us focus on the most recent ‘‘Atrocity’’ - the invasion of Cambodia. Why is there no mention of Russia’s part, or of China’s part, in this? Why is there no mention of Heng Sam- rin, set up in power by the Russians and Vietnamese? (Are these questions ring- ing a bell or do you have no idea of what I am talking about?) Anxiously awaiting your answer, as I know you will. Ruth Eisler tages bake Vabes, ee eye ad nd \ VAMDTAA prisoners in Long Kesh and Armagh, are politically mot-. ivated, and that they should be viewed as such. Loyalist prisoners do not have pol- ttical status either, yet there is so little publicity concerning protests by them [tf there are any], remembering that Long Kesh are British-owned and operted. Many Loyalist armies in the North have British support, either dir- ect or tacit, so when does guerrilla warfare become legitimate: when it has gov- ment aid [promotion? |? The Brits I referred to in my article are just that: the British troops [all 11,000 of _ them], who are victims are the British government as well. I did not mean Irish Protestants, who are not part of the problem, and who are just as entitled to live in Ireland as their Catholic neighbours. There is avast difference between Protestant and Loyalist. As for this paper not being a ‘‘fitting place’ to, as I see it, discuss the issues in Ireland [and El Salvador, South Africa, Chile, etc., etc.], not ‘‘disseminate pro- paganda,’’ I would rather think that, as ‘‘agents of social change,’’ we might fascilitate some new ideas _[not necessarily of a violent nature|, amongst students, and keep their minds open to what happens in the world. To be sure, students are quite susceptible to ideas and groups, but then so are ordinary citizens: should there be censorship of violent news-stories to ward off possible imitation? as you say, Ireland is a place ‘‘where murder and mayhem is the way of life; what laskis, what are we What I ask is what we recognise that itiis not only the ‘‘ despicable organiza- tions’’ of the I.R.A. that is. doing all the killing, but the British Government and the Loyalists as well. 4 i Ms. Helene Wisotzki Interesting article should be in the Sun. Your religious article of Oct. 16 by Cal Chambers was very interesting. It may have been more interesting though, had it included some of the facts from E. Pagels Gnositc Gospels, a Vintage paperback in most public libraries in Van- couver and Burnaby. Also, Gina Cerminaras couragious Insights for the Age of Aquarius, a critical examination for religious truth, a Quest publication which should be in _ all libraries, both an intellec- tual and spiritual education. Cal Chamber’s article, was far more interesting than the average religious article in both the Sun and the Province. Too bad he didn’t send them a copy of it. (Mrs.) F. Worrell editor’s note: Personally I thought the article sucked. Cal Chambers still owes us $36 for an ad he placed in the paper. ae ee re re ne me rm ee ae ee ee ee) te ‘ /