eat Note: Plans which simply refer to ‘standing pat' over the five- year period are unlikely to be approved. V. Goals: (a) (b) (e) Governance: oe Set goal plus one or more objectives; iii Briefly state role of: i. board, ii. internal advisory committees; dat Explanation of how goals and objectives are incorporated into management; iV. Explain use of external advisory committees. Comprehensiveness of College Programs: i. To include summary goal statements for: - existing program emphasis; = continuing education program; - new program proposals. 2s Must indicate minimum core program mix oe plus details of anticipated changes; - how mix can be adjusted to accommodate decreased revenues. fais Identify proposed programs to meet particular needs. iv. Identify priorities to unique/provincial program; ae Educational role centre: - use of OLI and KNOW. Rai Identify reduction of U.T. programs. Quality: ie Separate goals relating to quality for: - courses, - programs, - instructional support services. fi: Indicate programs requiring special resources = define minimum level. onsan 9 8