MAD HATTER much responsibility as the actor and the director--to make the show the best that it can be.” The Stagecraft program is intended to produce technicians who “do not just do their jobs by rote, but who can also think”. “The graduates should be able to understand not only the ‘how’ but also the ‘why’ of the procedures. They should be able to follow through the complete production process,” says Young. Students learn basic technical stag- ing skills, including lighting and audio techniques, rigging, proper- ties, set construction and scene painting. Modifications of these techniques for film, television and other types of productions are also taught. “The traditional techniques of staging in the theatre are the founda- tion for producing films and televi- sion shows. What differs is the application of these techniques,” Young says. “So we not only teach the basics but also the modifications for the different industries.” Stagecraft is for novices with little or no experience and for people already working in the industry who would like to upgrade their skills. It is an intensive two-year diploma program and can be completed full- or part-time. Classes are offered in the day, evening or on weekends. In the first year of the program, basic production skills and an intro- duction to Theatre History are taught. In the second year, students learn advanced production and stagecraft techniques, and take courses in communications and production management. They also take other arts electives to broaden their educa- tional background. WORK-STUDY Each year Douglas College is allocated a Work-Study budget from the Ministry of Advanced Education and Job Training. The Work-Study Program provides part-time employment (5 - 15 hours per week) to full-time students. Students may be employed at Douglas College or off-campus with a non-profit organization. Students must qualify on the basis of financial need. Eligibility is determined by the Student Finance and Placement Office, after the assessment of each student's Canada Student Loan/B.C. Student Loan and the information provi- ded on the Work-Study application form. Students may work between 50 and 150 hours per semester depending upon their assessed need. At this time we would like to ask for project submissions from interested College personnel. We are looking for one-time (non-repeating) projects that will be in addition to the normal on-going activities of the department. The pecfects should provide students with opportunities to develop career-related skills. Work-Study application forms are available at the Student Placement Office, Room 2710. The deadline to submit Work-Study Project Applications is Friday, August 14, 1987. Patty Lewis, Student Finance and Placement Officer Each student is also required to participate in one major production each semester as well as in smaller studio productions. Besides providing the entry-level skills for a career in entertainment, the Stagecraft program also provides a solid foundation for advanced studies. Negotiations are currently underway to obtain university trans- fer credits for Stagecraft courses, Students have the opportunity to learn Stagecraft skills “hands-on” at Douglas College. Facilities include a professionally equipped 350-seat theatre, audio and lighting control rooms, fly system, full scene shop and design studio, costume shop and studio theatre, which are comparable to actual conditions in the industry. Professionals with expertise in the industry and excellent teaching qualifications teach the Stagecraft program. ORIENTATION PROGRAM - Update Douglas College will be hosting an Orientation Program for new students on Tuesday, August 18 from 0900 to 1700 hrs. and Thursday, August 20 from 1900 to 2200 hrs. Please be aware that there will be many people here who are unfamiliar with the College and they may need assistance. All members of the College are invi- ted to attend a social on Tuesday, August 18, at 1615 hrs. and Thursday, August 20, at 2115 hrs. Place to be announced at a later. date. If you have any suggestions and/or interest in participation please contact Anena_ Johnson, Program Co- ordinator, local 4613. Anena Johnson