Notice Board To: All Library Patrons From: Janice Friesen : _ Systems and Circulation. - Librarian ; Re: Overdue Library materials Every library faces the problem of retrieving overdue materials. Apart from the large sums of money involved, deter- ioration in quality of service results. Our College faces mat- erial and labour costs incurred | in replacement, and. the wrath of borrowers unable to obtain mat- erials. Solutions are sought which are fair and which ensure that delinquent borrowers are held responsible for overdue materials. Celtel” : It is Douglas College pol- icy to withold transcripts and to prevent students from regist- ering for classes if College materials or fees are outstand- ing at the end of semester. If a patron is responsible for re- placement of Library materials, the schedule of charges is: Print materials Catalogued hardcopy book $15.00 Catalogued paperback S650 Uncatalogued paperback $ 3.50 Audio Visual materials Cassette tapes ( Masters) $12.00 Cassette tapes ' (General) Se 300 Film Cartridges $30.00 Film Loops $30.00 Films (8mm & 16mm) varies Filmstrips $10.00 Phonodiscs (Records) $12.00 Reel Tapes (Masters) ‘$14.00 Reel Tapes (General) $6.00, Slides $ 4.00 Videotapes $30.00 | ed These charges reflect purchase price plus clerical costs, This type of policy is Standard in most post secondary educational institutions. We ; hope the rationale is understood by our borrowers, , _ Please remember that it igs your responsibility to note the due date stamped in each item and to return it by that date. We seek your’ cooperation in preventing this "overdues" problem from escalating. : ATTENTION FACULTY MEMBERS: Message from the Reference Librarians As reference librarians we would like to be aware of what topics are assigned for term paper or library research assignments for several reasons: 1) we will know before students ar- rive at the reference desk, the ‘scope of our collection for the topic (pertinent subject headings, appropriate periodical indexes, audio-visual sources, etc.) 2) we will be prepared for the number of students needing the resources in a subject area 3) we will know,more about the type of research needed and the details of the assignment | When possible, could you send a copy of your research assignments to the reference librarian at the campus library. Since sonie assignments are given orally, we would appreciate receiving a call to learn the details of student assignments. This way we can make a note for the reference staff. Tricia Tamburi Reference Librarian, Surrey FOR SALE Eureka Canister Vacuum & tool set : Call Cathy at Coquitlam -525-9211 lo. 30 or 31