issue 29 // volume 41 life & style // no. ‘Wi The YA ioc Flag zn for Planet Earth » What it looks like, and why have one? Brittney MacDonald 8 Life & Style Editor M lifeandstyle H ave you ever wondered what a flag to represent the entire Earth should look like? Well now we have one! The International Flag of Planet Earth (yes, that’s its name) was conceived by Swedish artist Oskar Pernefeldt, when it became apparent that various nations would have to pool their Mars landing by 2025. Personally | am glad that the mutual goal of planetary exploration has different space programs from all around the world working together rather than going into competition with one another, like what happened with the moon landing. Pernefeldt decided to use blue : : and white as the main colours, : because they are reminiscent of : water which he feels is important : because it covers so much of the : planet and is so significant to life. The centre design is actually : an artistic rendition of the : Borromean rings—a mathematical : : concept consisting of several : circles interlocking, with the idea : being that removing any one circle : : will then topple the structure. This : : is a similar idea to the Olympic : Rings, but not entirely the same, resources if they planned to havea : because with Borromean tings It's : imperative that all the rings be : interlocking with one another. Symbolically I think it’s : beautiful, that the Earth is a : : structure built on the cultures and : : differences of its people and that : no single country is responsible : for the integrity of the whole. : According to a release put out by GlobalPost, Pernefeldt wanted : to remind people “we share this : planet, no matter of national : boundaries ... we should take care : of each other and the planet we : live on” From a more practical : standpoint, I was initially a little put off by the flag. Though : the individual ideas are good, : combined the flag comes off looking very European, which is definitely a problem considering : the technological super powers : that you can expect will be : contributing to the Mars landing : (where the flag is supposedly : going to make its debut) include : Japan, China, Brazil, and India. Though it’s looking like this flag will become the official flag : for Earth, nothing is set in stone : yet and probably won't be until : we’rea little bit closer to that Mars : landing goal. Fighting Fit: Enter the Dojo » Why karate gets a bad rap Adam Tatelman Staff Writer ell your friends you study karate, and you'll likely hear “Watch out, we got a badass over here,” Neil deGrasse Tyson pose and all. This is because most McDojos (the name I give any dojo more interested in cheap education and quick cash, than in bettering the lives of their clientele) assume the identity of karate. It is a recognizable style with a storied history here in the West, which all but guarantees a certain level of student attendance. This has led to a real laughingstock reputation which better instructors now have to suffer with. Exhibit A: Tezuka Dojo, located at 5097 Canada Way. At first I was impressed by the instructor’s skill—his kicks are more flexible than mine, and he’s twice my age. However, it took him three hours to lead kicking exercises because of his pontificating nature—he was pompous as ever, Of the three students in the whole class, one beginner (as indicated by his white : belt), was injured by attempting a : jump-kick. The instructor should have had the presence of mind to : practice something less advanced : at first, for the purpose of easing : in new students. But instead he : chose advanced techniques that : resulted in one hurt student. Exhibit B: Hawkes Martial My first impression of this : school was the sight of 10 preteen : “black belts” sparring with one : another while talking about : Batman movies. The bloody-nosed : : instructor had nothing to say : about this. This lack of discipline : was evident from the beginning, : and although the schedule of : the class was fairly structured, it : lacked the military focus a karate : school needs to be effective. Both of these dojos’ websites : assaulted me with imagery of : Japanese Hiragana writing, quotes : : from Miyamoto Musashi, and : endless pictures of smiling legions : : in white gi (the standard karate : uniform)—the very definition of : coming on too strong. Asa rule, if : adojo asks $100 a month, promises ! : brightly coloured belt promotions : every 16 weeks, and offers karate pizza parties or babysitting : services, then they’re probably : interested in having a rotating : clientele of children who get bored : after a few months and either : switch dojos or quit altogether. Be wary of the over-decorated : dojo. Shiny hardwood floors, : excessive ceremony, elaborate : : weapons, and inspirational : Arts, located at 484 East Columbia : : Street. quotes from karate dignitaries : hanging on the walls are all bad : signs. Exhibits A and B posture : like this because they're trying : to create an atmosphere of false : authenticity and exoticism. Any instructor calling himself “sensei” : should also be looked on with : suspicion, unless he is in fact the : oldest living member of a karate : organization. If he talks down any : previous experience you've had : with another organization, walk ; your ass out of there. When I practiced shotokan : karate it cost me $200 a year. All the money went towards renting our space, which was absolutely bare. It taught me to be inwardly : strong and outwardly humble—to : persevere in the face of pain. That : is karate—not colourful belts or pizza parties. Karate is learning to : create a better you every day. So, to all the McDojos out : there; pack it in. You don’t get it, : and you never will. Image from Thinkstock » Boozy fun in the summer sun Cazzy Lewchuk Staff Writer TT" weather is getting nicer and the days are getting longer. Summer is here, and we're all enjoying more refreshments, particularly those of an alcoholic nature. Who doesn’t like kicking back on the patio with a pitcher of sangria ora sweet mojito? Suggested for your enjoyment below are some delicious alcoholic cocktails to make this season even better. As a bonus, all of these beverages are gluten-free and vegan! The most important thing to remember when mixing drinks is that nothing is very important. Most drink recipes are just suggestions, and these presented are 100 per cent customizable. Experimenting with substitutions or changing the ratio of alcohol to mix (nothing like a little more wine!) can often lead to a drink being even tastier—dont‘ be afraid to experiment! And of course, any cocktail can become a delicious leaving out the alcohol, or substituting something else in instead. Summer Sangria: The perfect drink for a summertime afternoon siesta! 2 pieces of fruits of your choice (for example, oranges, lemons, limes, strawberries, kiwis, grapes, pears, or peaches) 4 cup of sugar 1can of pineapple juice 2 cups orange juice 1 bottle of red or white wine Chop up fruits, and mix all of the other ingredients in a pitcher, stirring until everything is absorbed and dissolved. Optional extras include adding lemon-lime pop (such as 7up or Sprite), white or coconut rum, Morning Mojito: This Cuban drink is good in all hours of the day from morning to midnight (please enjoy responsibly). Although served as a single drink, it’s easy to turn : Into a pitcher by adjusting the : servings to as many as you need. : Mint leaves : Lime juice : 2 spoonfuls of sugar : 1cup of club soda : 1shot of white rum : Ice Mojitos have a distinct taste and are easily adjusted, so : experiment with serving sizes of : all the ingredients until you find : the taste that works. Lemon juice can be : substituted for the lime, and : coconut rum can be used to : make it sweeter. : Cosmopolitan: Perfect for : feeling fancy, and a favourite of : Carrie Bradshaw’s (a la Sex and : the City). : 2 shots of vodka : shot of triple sec : 1shot of cranberry juice : 1/2 shot of lime juice : 1orange slice This drink is easily multiplied to serve a group (or to : simply overindulge yourself) and : also an easy one to adjust to taste : on the fly! : Raspberry Summer straight-edge beverage by simply : Punch: Easily made ina glass or adjusted for a punch bowl! : 1cup of concentrated raspberry : juice (Five Alive or another : frozen concentrate works well) : 1/2 ashot of grenadine syrup : 200 ml of champagne or : sparkling wine : 1 spoonful of lemon juice : Some fresh blackberries : 1 shot of vodka. Mix together and serve cold—a very sweet delight. : Crantini/Screwdriver: : Asimple and excellent drink : for BBQs or just a fun night : with friends. This drink is made : simply by mixing one shot (or : however much you want—equal : parts booze and mixer make : fora crazy time!) of vodka with : cranberry or orange juice. and/or lemonade to the mixture. : intoxicating effect, the vodka : can be replaced with sparkling : wine or champagne to create a : Mimosa. For a slightly less Most important of all, enjoy yourself but be safe this summer. : Good luck, and have fun!