Page Nine The Other Press October 2, 1981 Due to popular request : f THE ASSASSIN OF YOUTH | THE PLANT Physiological Reaction THE LEAF j ce | The effects of mariouana are most unpre- : Compound, composed of five, seven dictable. nine or eleven—always an odd number ; ‘ ae eye aeye Leap one eet of lobes or leaflets, the two outer ones A xed, staring pupil, with the white o eye : severely bloodshot (orange-red). The breath ay small comp ared with _the others. i ee the cece its odor, as elicited from Each lobe from two to six inches Jon urnt marihuana (burnt rope). There is no int j } sensory disturbance of balance or gait, as re . —— oe - both ends, vs : elicited in acute alcoholic intoxication. The Saw-lke edges; an rides, very ; ae — - influence oer ae nounced on the lower side, running , ibly hysterical, weeping or la . i very rapidly, and in a loud a“ ees the center diagonally to the. edges. Of E In conclusion, it is important to recognize, that deep green color on the upper side and of } ae eens use we ame doses by habitues, and a lighter green on the lower. It is the ; ingle large dose taken by a novice may cause { i tain F criminal maniacal acts. Moreover, even small quanti- _ and flowering “oye that con the ; ties can destroy the will power and the ability to connect angerous drug. These are dried and used ; and control thoughts and actions, thus releasing ALL in cigarettes and may also produce their | inhibitions viciously. violent effects by being soaked in drinks. 1 rin THE SITUATION IN THE UNITED STATES . It is especially serious in our country because it is being carried as a new habit to circles which heretofore were not contaminated It is dangerous inroads in our large cities youth, so many of whom are j smokers and easy victims to a new “kick agd thrill” habit. Police officers in some of our cities report that so many crimes can be to the use of Marihuana that this vice has become a major po- lice problem. ee FLOWER * of from three to sixteen feet, the a thickness of from one-half inch to Wo inches. Stalk has four ridges running Yengthwise, and usually a well marked teatke by each branch, these appearing at intervals of from four to twenty inches. A leaf appears immediately under each branch. Green plant has a peculiar nar- UNDER SURFACE OF MARIHUANA LEAF. gotic odor, is sticky to the touch, and cov- @red with fine hair barely visible to the STAMP iT OUT maked eye. Often hidden in fields of corn. wmicataak: Weaaviecs or sunflowers. 1. Constructive legislation and efficient law en- forcement. 2. Education. ITISA CRIME for any person to plant, cultivate possess, sell or give away Marihuana. It is frequently used by criminals to bolster up their courage. Most dangerous of all is the person under the influence of marihuana at the wheel of an automobile Their illusions as to time and space destroy their judgment as to speed and distance; When eighty miles an hour seem only twenty, they often leave a trail of fatal acci dents in their wake. A user of marihuana is a degenerate. League to Stamp Out Harmful Substances wiz osi: c= e h in colae, ellis i Consolidated Brewers Association a