President’s Report Highlights - September On September 20, I joined members of the Senior Administration, the College Board, and the Chair of Education Council, at an AECBC Interactive Workshop on “Transforming Community Colleges to Meet the Challenges of the Future”. This provided an opportunity for the group to examine issues related to future strategic initiatives and processes for Douglas College and the college system. On September 15, Peter Greenwood represented the Senior Administration, and brought my greetings, to visitors from our sister institution in Japan - Momoyama Gakuin University. Prof. Toru Miyake, Mr. A. Watanabe, and Mr. Eizo Hara, were on a tour of various colleges in B.C., and visited Douglas College before flying home. On September 18, I attended my first meeting of Education Council. I would like to thank Roberta Bend for providing me with an orientation both to the committee, and to the agenda. MNsive_orwarion INside Douglas College is published the first Tuesday of every month by the Communications & Marketing Office and the College Duplicating Centre. The next issue will appear November 7. Deadline for submission for next issue is noon Tuesday, October 24. Submissions on floppy disk in WordPerfect or ASCII format would be appreciated. Material may be edited for brevity and clarity. Tips, scoops and suggestions are always welcome. Please contact the Public Information Office, (604) 527-5325, FAX: (604) 527-5095, Room 4700 at the New Westminster campus, 700 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2 On September 18, I was welcomed at the Health Sciences Breakfast, and attended the first part of their Department Meeting. Over the next weeks and months, I hope to be able to meet with all Departmental Committees, as part of my familiarization process. On September 20, I had an informal meeting with Devron Gabor, Director, Access & Health Programs Branch of our Ministry, to begin discussions on significant issues facing Douglas College and the post-secondary system in B.C. He is arranging for me to meet the Deputy Minister and staff in Victoria in early October. On September 21, I had an informal meeting with the President of the Douglas College Student Society. It was a get- acquainted session, and an opportunity for us to share our thoughts on a number of issues - both short-term and longer term. i On September 18, I received a briefing on the Pinetree Capital Campaign from Myrna Popove, Mark Crozet, and Debbie McFadyen. I look forward to working closely with the Campaign Steering Committee in identifying needs, and accessing aid. In this regard, on September 19, I attended a meeting of the Technologies Liaison Committee, which I found very helpful. On September 7, I attended the Thomas Haney Centre Student Welcoming Barbecue. It was a pleasure meeting the faculty, students and professional staff at the Centre. I intend to be a regular visitor to Thomas Haney Centre on an ongoing basis. I have begun a series of strategy meetings with Brad Barber, Director of Communications & Marketing, to discuss communications issues. Mr. Barber is arranging for me to meet the media through a series of meetings, in order to help us to get our message out to the communities we serve. 1 = :