GLAS COLLEGE MAD HATTER PAGE 3 department. ‘The fire alarm system itself is microprocessor based and an immediate check of the printout enables the Secur- ity person on staff to determine the source of the problem. A check of this source determines whether we are dealing with a false alarm or, whether in fact, we have a fire activated device. Until such time as the building is com plete, I think it safe to assume that the fire alarm bells will be false alarms in every case. Take no action. In the event that a fire or other safety problem should occur, all personnel will be noti- fied as quickly as possible after the on- set of the alarm. Please note that under false alarm circumstances the bells cease ringing within the first few moments. West Graydon Organizers of Student Exchanges Thanked letter to Bill Day, dated November 23, 1982 from Roger Elmes, Director, Canad- ian Studies Bureau: I would like to take a moment to thank you for the participation of Sabine Mabardi and Gert Van Niekerk in the re- cent workshop at Vancouver Community College (Langara) for faculty organizers of the student exchanges under our Open House Canada Program. The post-workshop comments indicated that it was a successful professional development activity which will help to improve the organization of student ex- changes and increase the level amd quality of educational content in each exchange. While budget restrictions will unfortun- ately preclude workshops in the other regions this fiscal year, I am sure that the participating B.C. colleges will prove an example to the rest by demon- strating the quality for which B.C. col- leges are justifiably known. Thank you again for the effective par- ticipation of Sabine and Gert in this workshop. Roger Elmes Cafeteria Service This note is in response to the memo dated Monday, December 20, 1982 protest— ing the closure of the cafeteria facility. An apology is in order. We made the decision to close the cafeteria as per- haps a too hasty reaction to inadequate information with respect to student ac~ tivity following end of classes. This coupled with continuous requests fram individuals and groups to provide campet- itive food services by way of bake sales, pot luck lunches, Christmas parties, etc. The college food service facility may be closed fram time to time for predeter- mined periods due entirely to the lack of potential business. ‘These closures in the future will take place with better plan- ning which will be accomplished as a re- sult of experience over the short term. Any closure will certainly take place with more advanced warning. Again our apologies. | | West Grayaon Request For Submission of Articles Excerpt from a letter to Bill Day, dated December 6, 1982 from William I. Coleman, Executive Director of The Canadian-China Trade Council: The Canada-China Trade Council is inviting scholars and students across Canada to | submit articles for publication in both the Council's bimonthly magazine 'The China Reporter’, and its new quarterly publication 'Jia Na Da Kung Ye Zhuan Kan' (Journal of Canadian Industry) .