ay FGA AI OY Ne VEN BIE iy aye ea ae I Ne de ee ee ae ote epee on Ras wee THE | Did you hear about Sean Balderstone ? He’s our new President. | ar Sean who ?? photo by Sean Valentini VOLUME 15 NO.2 OCT.5TOOCT.19,1985. OTHER PRESS SERVING NEW WESTMINSTER AND MAPLE RIDGE CAMPUSES Sean Balderstone New President. by 1.G. Lyon & Vie Cromarty sorts by driving in to the College’s easternmost locale and rallying the students there ‘ in support of Balderstone. Remember the Election last : z - week? _- Hemerik said later, ‘‘] was Don’t feel bad if youdon’t - it really surprised that Gerry appears that 95 per cent of you hadn't done more ease either didn’t know or didn’t 91°8 there. sn are the yee care. Of the 4100-full and part en a ; By the hoe time students only 205 actual- that are y ne ered to s sie ly voted, but those votes were up to place a few posters, all enough to decide the race for es ie think that really Student Society President. ie a: Sean Balderstone got in by a It did hurt him. oo $ 12 per cent margin, accumula- total of 54 votes cast, Oikawa ting a whopping 114 votes recieved only 17, with Balder- while Gerry Oikawa finished with 91. Although Balderstone has In actual fact, his election been in office only one week was cinched by the support hehe, has set up a meeting with received from the Maple Rid-'the BC Government Employ- ge campus. Martin Hemerik, ees Union to discuss problems Sean’s campaign manager, concerning the Work Study pulled off a political coup of and Youth Employment Prog- stone picking up the other 37.. rams and is organizing a protest letter and_ petition opposing the upcoming bus fare hikes. “There is a great strain being put on the education system,’’ said Balderstone. ‘Students must be aware of what is happening more than they ever have before.”’ ‘There will be lots of infor- mation floating around from October 11-14 (Education Week) and I hope everyone takes a minute to look, read and consider what is being done to students,’’ he said. After losing the Presidential election Oikawa said he will not be running for Vice-pres- ident’s postion on Oct. 13 because his former campaign manager, Stuart Woolverton, has entered that race. Inside What's Douglas golf team places second in B.C. College classic see page 11