TO: FROM: REs MEMORANDUM June 23, 1988. DOUGLAS COLLEGE BOARD W.L. DAY PRESIDENT'S REPORT External Matters - Municipal On June 10th, a Community Forum on the future of Columbia Street was held at the college. It included major real estate developers, representatives of community, cultural and rate payers organizations, owners, merchants, members of City Council and Staff, and representatives of other cities. We have received congratulatory letters on the quality of the arrangements, including complicated audio-visual presentations, food services, and logistical support. Negotiations continue with the B.C. Development Corporation on the final settlement of claims on behalf of future parking needs for the College. Bill Morfey has reported separately on this matter to the Finance, Facilities & Personnel Committee. External Matters - Education Government intentions to provide formula support for Adult Basic Education in School Districts, and to focus funding for English as a Second Language for adults in the colleges, have occasioned much comment and concern throughout the educational system. IT ama member of a four-person "Transition Committee", which is advising government on implications of these proposed changes, as well as the ways and means by which the changes could be brought about. This committee has now met four times - twice since the last Board meeting. An interim report has been made on the subject of Adult Basic Education, and the committee is now grappling with the question of English as a Second Language. I intend to make a full report on this matter to the Education & Services Committee of the Board at their next meeting, and also to meet with the College Education Committee and the affected Department Education Committee as soon as they find it convenient. In any case, there will be no Changes of substance during this academic year.