INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / FEBRUARY 7, 1989 In the Bag: Professional Development Livery Wednesday to April 26, 12:00 to 2:00, faculty are in- vited to drop in for a bit of stimulation over lunch in the Lower Cafeteria, Faculty/Staff Lounge. Tentative Topics: Feb, 8 Do We Teach or Do Students Learn? Feb; 15 “TBA Feb.22. TBA Mar. | Show and Tell: Computer Software Mar. 8 TBA Mar.15 TBA Mar. 22 Teaching Adult Learners Mar.29. TBA Apr. 5 How Effective Am I or Do I Want to Know? Apr.12. TBA Apr. 19 Grading Assignments (Oh God?) Apr.26 TBA 6 Women & Stress Continued If one must cope with stress rather than trying to eliminate it, what are some of the facets of good stress management programs? "It depends on the individual, but it can be as straightforward as cutting back on coffee and al- cohol and maintaining proper nutrition, or teaching a compul- sive over-achiever to cut back on work a bit," says Krahn. “Ex- ercise, of course, is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. Curiously enough, it might be the modern equivalent of a prehistoric person fleeing or fighting a saber-tooth." A good stress management course should be regarded as a very positive, uplifting experience, says Krahn. "A decade ago, businesses began introducing employee as- sistance programs for alcohol and drug abuse - but workshops such as the ones I'll be instruct- ing at Douglas College go to the root of these problems.” Krahn hopes the workshops will eventually be presented in the workplace, where more knowledge of stress still has to be gained: only last year, for ex- ample, did the Worker’s Compensation Board officially recognize the wide-spread ramifications of unmanaged stress. Six modules make up the six- hour long seminar to be held Thursday, February 16, from 9:00 to 4:30. "Stress and the Working Woman” identifies the unique stresses of women. "Relaxation and Rejuvenation" demonstrates techniques such as *power napping’ that energize the individual. "Gaining Con- trol of Your Time" suggests ways to meet deadlines, yet still make room for personal matters. “Enhancing Your Com- munication Style" offers ways to talk effectively to oneself and others. "Recognizing and Han- dling Anger and Guilt" endeavors to cope with these crippling emotions. And finally, "Dealing with Change" will show how to take five winning steps towards successful be- haviour/lifestyle change. "A good stress management course should be regarded as a very positive, uplifting ex- perience,” says Krahn. "Many people need stress in their lives and benefit from it. It’s a matter of learning to be more assertive, affirmative, and developing a sense of humour about oneself." Rose Marie Fournier, a com- munity programmer at the College, says a special introduc- tory rate of $45 will be charged, although people must register by February 10. "Those respon- sible for staff development should also attend and consider booking the program for in- house sessions,” she says. To register call 520-5472. For information, call 520-5476.