| THE MAD HATTER A Douglas College Newsletter i; published weekly during the spring and fall semesters, bi-montly in i the summer semester by Douglas College Technical and Vocational Institute P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster, B.C. READING DEVELOPMENT AND STUDY SKILLS | Students are reminded that these seven-week courses are offered on five campuses. Registration is still open for courses starting the week of October 23. Both courses offer two hours a week of classroom presentation and discussion, and one hour a week of lab work. | Telephone: 588-4411, Local 283 Institute of Environmental Studies The following publications are available from the Institute, A-6, Surrey Campus (tel1.588-4411 local 284) The Reading Development course focuses on speed and accuracy. It is not intended to be remedial. Instead, the emphasis is on the variety of skills required to cope with college -level reading. As well, certain myths about "speed reading" are discussed and students are given a better idea of what they can expect of themselves. _ Federation of B.C. Naturalists - Newsletter _. Sept. 78 Checklist of B.C. Birds (Provincial Museum) The Urban Waterfront (Ministry of Urban Affairs) The Study Skills course is a how-to approach to those skills which are acquired often only by trial and error after many years at college. The focus is on methods of studying, time utilization, listening, notetaking, concentration, and memory. well, considerable emphasis is placed on how to take exams and how to prepare research papers. Salmonid-Incubation Boxes (Fisheries & Environe } ment) x Papers given at the Canadian Council of Resource} and Environment Ministers Shore Management X Symposium Oct. 4th - 5th, 1978, Victoria Fish Habitat Management in Shore Zones by Canadian Fisheries Management Agencies Managing Uncertainty on the Shore by David A. Bella and Philip A. Meyer Reading Development Study Skills (SD 100) (SD 110) Coastal Problems in Canada: A Case Study Approach by G.E. Beanlands Coquitlam Mon. 0900-1000 Thu. 0900-1000 Co-ordinating Canada's Shore Management Agencies by Mark Sproule-—Jones. Langley Thu. 1900-2200 Alternative Approaches to Shoreline Management: the Possibilities of a Commission Structure _ by Paul A. Pross New West Tue. 0800-1000 Tue. 1900-2200 Tue. 1400-1600 Thu. 1400-1600 Thu. 1900-2200 The Biological Component of Shore Systems by A.A. MacKay Richmond Tue. 1400-1600 Tue. 1900-2200 Surrey Tue. 1900-2200 Wed. 1000-1200 Thu. 1400-1600 TELEPHONE DIRECTORY, 1978-79 Please correct listing in directory for: McFADYEN, Silvia 228 NW 102A / | Early Childhood Education