f USE OF SESSIONAL FACULTY MEMBERS AT DOUGLAS COLLEGE - continued.. and sidecckom s process for sessional faculty members is by design and agreement simpler and quicker to implemént than the process for regular faculty members. c. Sessionals are used in order to employ specialists in areas where the services of a full-time specialist is not required. Sometimes this is even true of a whole subject field where the sub-specialties are so intense that it is not possible to readily find and hire an individual who embodies a range of skills in several areas at the levels required in each. d. Sessionals are employed to provide a basic level of service in the classroom without being required to serve on discipline, division or college-wide committees or to perform additional functions such as course. or program development or liaison; the salaries for sessional faculty members in general reflect a demand for fewer types of services or for less extensive service than a regular faculty member. The instructional services performed by either class of | faculty member are valued equally and the rationale is included in section 5.4.2 of the Collective Agreement. The economic benefits to the college of employing sessional faculty members is thus based on use of required rather than desired extra services. e. Sessional faculty are often employed in fields where the needs are transient or cyclic and the employment : of a regular full-time faculty member cannot therefore be justified. f. Sessional faculty members are often employed when the needs for their services are experimental for pilot or demonstration courses, projects or programs. 3. Sessional faculty as a class of employees have all of the qualities attributed to regular faculty with the single exception of the amount of available time to devote to tasks not directly related to the courses they teach or the duties they perform. POLICY The college is concerned with establishing and maintaining a balance in each discipline and division of the college between sessional and regular faculty. The balance is not a fixed ratio, but rather a consideration of the number of course sections taught by sessionals compared to the number taught by regular faculty members; the number of persons employed as sessional faculty members compared to the number employed as regular faculty members; the absolute size of the core of regular faculty members in that discipline, division, program or field; the level of development of new courses or programs in the discipline or program field;. the administrative assistance available in the division; and the diversity and extent of offerings within the discipline, program field or division. APPROVED BY COLLEGE COUNCIL - MAY 5, 1977 ee FS ‘© the outside... Apa ee oe ce te BURNABY “ART GALLERY SUNDAY, JUNE 12, “AT 2: 30 P.M. ? FREE . ELEANOR COLLINS IN CONCERT _ 1973 M.G. Midget’ Good Condition Asking $2500, Please Phone 525-5270 after 6:00 P.M.’