_ Page 4 Tt was pointed ont by Bill Day that George's on-geing negotiations With the Department of Education; Municipal Gevernments; Scheol Districts; a host of other committees within the College, and various Agencies in the community» are of paramount importance that deserve and reaiire the Principal's full attention. In this respect, Dr. Vootton weuld not be resurred to attend Executive Committee Meetings on a reutine basis. In a preliminary definition of roles and responsibility, it was gencrally agreed that members of the newly fermed Lxecutive Committee must be individually and, where applicable, collectively accountable for the following fundamentil administrative areas: Finance - 3ill Morfey; Planning - fMank Navlor; Curriculum - Bill Dav; Instruction - Dr. Por ter x Submitted at Dr. “ootton's request. Jim McIntosh XXX XXXXXX eo Excerpt: Unapproved minutes: Last meeting of Planning Council Executive Committee Structure and Timetable Item 8. Me Consideration was given to the following new groupings cf tie functions of this committee a. Curriculum (C} Pill Day by. Instructional (1) Don Porter c. Planning (Facilities) (P) Hank Nayler ay Finance (F) Bill Morfev 26. The meetings would take nlace in the order C, I, P, F, cach Wed. in that order -- one reeting to eacn function -- commencing at ©.350 a.m. and finishing at 12 noon. ZT Chairmanship would rotate at each meeting as shown in 25 above. 28. The chairman is responsible for collection, disserination and action decisions for his meeting, and will supply his cwn secret- arial services, also tor inviting anv cuests. 29 x The last item of cach weekly meeting will be the setting of the agenda for the following meeting. 50. Minutes will be ¢istributed to all the members of Principal's Council as auickly as possible - as UNAPPROVED - subject to ratification at the next meeting of the Lxecutive Committec.”