Bobby and the Munchikins September 08, 2008 Oh Great! Now You Qvys have moved On to nuclear testing |? " LISTEN, IF IT WERE uP TO ME, I'D STILL Buy A FROM YOU GUYS, BUT I “1 M HAVE TO FOLLOW THE OUR GUILD HAS BEEN SUPPLYING THE EMERALD CITY WITH LOLLIPOPS FOR OVER 300 Sticks and Stones What ate You oping, +0 do® Complain to a Friend? We ady Know ges = afraid oF pringing, US into kne Feat | TPerhaps is out of | remem bel* “ our Fear A Fear that | [brightest blazes oF: were Merely gladness are Sy Uno SOMATIC Kindted by : Phusion v€ — a} [unestestes Sparks“ (ler: mon SMO Vie? ALRIGHT, DETECT IVE Cows / Sian HERE, su|do|ku © Puzzies by Pappocom solution, tips and computer programs at [3 9 i i WwW BlO = NIN OW man! 4YowrRe GONNA Love HADES! /T’S 50 AWESOME! AND EVERYTHING SMELLS LIKE Toasted Marsumaciows / By Mike Winters SIMULATEDCOMICPRODUCT .COM WHAT A | Comcipence ! A MADE ov oF MARSHMALLOWS ! UNeukeld Jordan Neufeld LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION: CO comms ™] OA DOIN NY Off wo OB @M]w © =[N @ 7 416 9 3 518121417 | 1 69 318 25 216/913 14/7 3/4/7]1/5 8 8151269 9/2/1]5|3/4 7|5|619|8|2 43.8171 6 9 E ‘5 6 4 7 12