HAPPY SUMMER Volume 15 Number17 gettiing naked with students from New Westminster, Maple Ridge, Coquitlam, and more May 21, 1992 FREE College Chair Gets Prestigious Award The Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT ) has awarded the coveted Regional Trus- tee Leadership Award to Douglas College Board Chairman Myrna Popove. She will officially receive the award in Portland, Oregon next month. This award officially recog- nizes Popove’s exceptional ability, and confirms her status as one of the best in her field in North America. “I’m really pleased and some- what overwhelmed. I had no idea I had been nominated.” With characteristic humility Popovegivescredit tohercolleagues. “It shouldn't be looked upon as a single honor. The award isa reflec- tion on the entire college”. The Douglas College Board nominated Popove to receive this award from the ACCT, whichis based in Washington DC and rewards ex- cellence and quality in the contribu- tions made by trustees, chief executives, and faculty members to the students of their respective col- leges. Popove, a Coquitlam resident who has her own small business, has devoted much ofher valuable time to directing the administration of Doug- las College. Gerry Della Mattia, Dean of Human Resources and College Development, who submitted the nomination, said, “It’s simply a reflection of the quality of work she’s done. She has made a significant contribution, and she’s held in such high regard.” Popove’s achievements include her appointment as the Board Vice Chairperson and Chairpersonin1989 and 1990 respectively. She served on the BC Government's Task Force for Child Care (1990), and in June 1991 she was elected to the position of Director of the Advanced Education Council of BC. Hey everyone, welcome to summer semester. Lets get NAKED! by Angus Adair A few yearsagoa young Ameri- can woman , about 17 years old, was raped by her father. She exer- cised her right to choose and chose abortion. Only one facility in the state where she lived would agree to perform the procedure. They would not waive their fee however and the young woman who was on social assistance could not afford it. Her mother valiantly searched fora clinic somewhere in America that would. She found one in Portland that would perform the abortion and would waive all but $200 of Other Editorials & Opinions Throw Water Bombs Not Fire Bombs their fee. The woman purchased her Greyhound ticket and prepared to leave. Two days before she boarded that bus, her boyfriend -who was pro life- shot her to death with an assault rifle. What is clearly illustrated by the above example, by the bombing of occupied abortionclinics,and thedaily brutalization and terroriziation of women who wish control of their bodies,is simple. Pro life is not pro anything. It is anti-choice and anti woman. Theyalsolack even the integ- rity to openly admit who they are and what they stand for,which is the oppresion of women. Their signs and official press re- leases are full of deceit. It is only when they get right in the face of women protecting a clinic that you can hear the truth. ” Ill bash your head in” ,“dyke”, “whore” are what they say.Their white hood has been peeled away to reveal a bigot. If the Klan were burning a cross on your lawn waving pro life ban- ners what would you do? Throw water.Which is exactly what some women choose to do toa bigot who showed up at the pro choice rally on Wednesday, after all the speeches had been made.Whata baptism.