checked by our technical staff. The remainder will be used at Douglas College. The NMR Cis, in particular, is a valuable contribution to the curri- culum of our second-year offerings. Val Schaefer ADAPTED SAFETY-ORIENTED FIRST AID The CNIB (Canadian National Insti- tute for the Blind) is planning to offer a special first aid course for people with visual impairments. This course will be co-sponsored with St. John’s Ambul- ance. Any _ interested visually- impaired people should contact Christa Fraser at CNIB, 321-2311. Gladys Loewen WANTED CAREER INFORMATION Do you have what we need? Do you have hidden in your office or desk: newspaper clippings, journal articles, papers and other “tidbits” on specific career information or career profiles? We are updating the Career Resource Centre pamphlet file and we need updated material. We would appreciate any donations. Or if you prefer, we will photocopy the original and return it to you. Please send the material to Academic Advisors, Student Services, or give us a call. Thanks. Lorraine Cotter, loc. 2723 Georgina Davis, loc. 2762 Amanda Harby, loc. 2761 Sharon Helgesen, loc. 2763 PLEASE NOTE: Bill Bell, Public Information Officer, will be on vacation until October 23. Please contact Barbara Smith at local 4833 during his absence. Barbara Smith REMINDER The deadline for insertions in the Mad Hatter is every Tuesday at |200 hours, and each issue will come out the following Tuesday. All material for insertion must be either neatly handwritten or typed on 8 \/2 X || sheets of paper. No informa- tion will be taken over the phone. Please send your copy to Colleen Tosin, Rm. 4840 South. Thank you, Colleen Tosin STUDENT SOCIETY EXECUTIVE Please be advised that the following are the 1986/87 Student Society elec- ted executive members. Their terms of office expire on August 31, 1986. Scott Nelson - President - Local 2784 Janet Blaauw - Secretary - Local 2785 Michael Booth - Vice President - Local 2796 TBA - Maple Ridge Member at Large - 467-681 | Note: The Student Ombudsperson is Patrick Blaine, Local 5842. Merrilyn Houlihan D.C. STUDENT NATIONALLY RANKED WEIGHTLIFTER Richard Woaack, a Douglas College Physical Education student and no- tionally ranked weightlifter leaves October 2 for Montreal, for a three month training session with the na- tional coach. Richard will train at the high performance centre and all expenses, including a spending allowance, will be covered by a B.C. government MAD HATTER grant. He also receives a B.C. Athletic Scholarship for $1500.00 to be used for further training and education. Richard, who is the son of music faculty member, Henry Waack, will resume his studies at the college in the spring semester. Congratulations Richard. PUBLIC MEETING Anita Hagen, New Democratic Party Candidate for New Westminster will be on campus on Thursday, October 9, 1986, 1200 to 1400 hours inroom 1812 for a public meeting. Everyone is invi- ted to attend. CO-ORDINATOR, CONTINUING EDUCATION VICTORIA UP TO $1,494.87 (bi-weekly) OUT OF SERVICE Post-Secondary Educ., Continuing Educ., resp. for prov. educational Prog. coordination for continuing educ. progs.; includes curriculum develop- ment, system-wide prog. monitoring, evaluation, & prog. development, prof. development & financial allocation for a wide range of credit progs. & the ma- jority of non-credit progs. offered by post-sec. inst.; coordination of prov. Standards/accreditation activities as well as liaising with govt. agencies & related groups retative to tmg. progs. is also necessary. Qualifications - Approp. univ. degree of diploma, pref. post-grad. degree in adult educ. or equiv,; min, of 5 yrs. field exp.; know). of instructional/cur- riculum development techniques; abill- ty to interpret research & statistical data base, anatyse/recommend re prof. standards, prepare/present reports. Competition PE&S:2067 Closing Location - Personnel Serv., Min. of Post-Séc. Educ., 3rd Fi., 618 Broughton St., Victoria, VEV 1X4 Closing Date - October 8, 1986.