Mad Hatter | A Douglas College Newslette April 8, 1986 s ARCHIVES 3 A | N Ty P A @ ae COLLEGE A rarely performed work by Felix Mendelssohn, the oratorio "Saint Paul", will be presented by Douglas College in two performances April 19 and 20. Tatsuo Hoshina, director of the Douglas College Choral Society and Orchestra, says this will be the first complete performance of "Saint Paul" in the Lower Mainland. "It's been performed so seldom we had trouble finding recordings of the work," Hoshina says. Hoshina says the oratorio is a synthesis of the styles of J.S. Bach and G.F. Handel, and it is set to a text derived almost exclusively from the Bible. The two-part oratorio deals with the life of Saul of Tarsus, who after his conversion to Christianity, becomes St. Paul. The oratorio begins with the stoning of St. Stephen, at which Saul is present. Saul leaves for Damascus where he plans to persecute the Christian Church, and on the way is blinded by God and converts to Christianity. Part I closes as the converted Paul (his eyesight restored) begins his missionary work. Part Il deals with Paul's life as a missionary and the work ends with Paul's farewell to the Ephesian Christians as he goes to his martyrdom to the strains of a triumphant hymn of praise to God. continued on page 2... In the Hat Scholatship CONCErt.....c:s.c0-200cccccctexeseuseseens 2 1986 Summer Schedule .........cssceeeserscessesouee 17 Summary Of Research .......ccccssccssesersceecsvers 2 Group Advising Sessions .......:.:.seseeeeeeeeeeeees 18 Upcoming EVent .....cccssccecsesscsesceeescsereceees 15 Workshop Details .........ccsscssssseeseseeseeeeenenens 19 Thank-you Letter.......s0ccccscovsassesscevseesesecess 16 ESD COP POTEMTILIOR i cecnevensinseteaceoneteuineeagbartes 20 Innovation ADStractS .......ccccceeeereecenceseeeeenns 22