Mad Hatter Page 7 She Cui / of Me Vu COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Engineering Summer Conferences USLAS DOUGLAS COLLEGE Chrysler Center, North Campus ' re es Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 ARCHIVES (313) 764-8490 February 1984 FACULTY ADVANCEMENT PROGRAM (Please make this information available to faculty members) Partial tuition grants are available for qualified faculty members who wish to enroll in the Engineering Summer Conferences, and who are unable to pay full tuition. The grant is applied directly to the course fee and will cover approximately half of the tuition cost; however, the exact amount will vary depending on the course selection. Funds available for tuition support are limited. No funds are available from this source either for travel or for living expenses. A list of the courses showing the fee for eligible faculty members is on the back of this notice. This program is open to assistant, associate, or full professors or to instructors who hold teaching appointments in degree-granting state or private universities or colleges in the United States or Canada, and whose primary responsibility is teaching as distinguished from other duties such as research or administration. Complete descriptions of these short courses, enrollment information, and an applica- tion form may be obtained by placing your name and address in the space provided below and returning this sheet to the address indicated. Advance registration is required for consideration under the faculty grant program. You may apply for a faculty grant by completing the application form provided in the course description brochure. The application should be submitted along with a brief letter (one page maximum) indicating your eligibility at least three weeks in advance of the course starting date. Preference will be given to early applicants in the event it becomes necessary to limit enrollment grants. After you have been notified of acceptance, payment of your reduced fee or written arrangements for payment (purchase order) is required 2 weeks before a course begins. Failure to provide payment may result in cancellation of your enrollment at that time, so that others who may be waiting can be admitted. Flop FACULTY ADVANCEMENT PROGRAM REQUEST Name Position Address City State Zip Mail Request to: Engineering Summer Conferences The University of Michigan 500 Chrysler Center, North Campus Ann Arbor, Mi 48109