THE UNIVERSELY OF BRETISH COLUMBIA | RACUL LY OF EDUCA LION | DOUGLAS COLLEGE 212) MAIN MALL eu ayy VANCOUVER, B.C., CANADA ANGHAIVES i V61 125 | October 21, 1985” Dear Colleapue: Jerry Litzenberger (program chairman) and Ted Hagen (president elect) of the Washington Educational Research Association (W.E.R.A.) were here Friday, October 11, to continue planning for next year's, May 8 - 9, Pacific Northwest Research and Evaluation Conference hosted by the Faculty of Education, U.B.C., featuring John Goodlad in a keynote address entitled: Contextual Appraisal and the Improvement of Schooling. Several sub-themes have now been identified and should provide further guidance for the submission of paper and/or symposium proposals. i) Evaluation of programs/offerings for the gifted. ii) Evaluation of science programs/courses/achievement. iii) Post-secondary (Community College) evaluation for diagnostic and placement purposes. iv) Scanning and scoring technology in measurement. The planning committee will next meet on Friday, December 13, 1985, to consider proposals and put together the program for May 8 - 9, 1986. This, then, is a reminder of the December 1 deadline for receiving proposals and to encourage pre-: sentations by Canadian personnel from school districts and post-secondary institutions. Jerry Litzenberger states in the recent WERA Newsletter that we are looking for " ...educational reports, curriculum and evaluation studies, and theoretical papers for presentation at conference paper sessions and symposia. Submittals are encouraged relating (but not limited) to topics such as educational administration; curriculum studies, learning and instruction; measurement and testing; human development; educational history; social, cultural, political and economic relationship to education; school evaluation; and post-secondary education." Please send proposals to: Dr. Jerry Litzenberger Bellevue Public Schools 310 - 102nd Avenue N.E. Bellevue, Washington 98004 Should you have any questions or wish to send your proposals with me to the December 13, 1986 planning meeting, please contact: Dr. Harold Ratzlaff Faculty of Education 2125 Main Mall Vancouver, B.C. V6T 125 ——— Telephone: 228-5045 on I DOUGLAS COLLEGE Yours very truly, es A ee cute aroll Ratzi@ft, PaoD. Assistant Professor Educational Psychology & Special Education SLI ER ARCHIVES HRibt