IS THE HIGH COST OF SUGAR GETTING TO YOU? HAVE YOU TRIED HONEY FOR COOKING? Can supply liquid honey in two pound jars, four pound tins and thirty pound pails. Price 85¢ a pound plus price of container, Ron Tarves, INstitute of Environmental Studies. “a= FROM WHENCE IT CAME I KNOW NOT. I refer to the catalogue of videotapes circulated to faculty this week. Among the listings under the heading ECOLOGY is the title "Say Goodbye". Faculty should be cautioned in using this videotape that some four-hundred thousand dollars litigation was involved following its release. It does not present the facts as they were. In fact it represents an excellent example of biased journalism, and could well be used as such. This "documentary" was produced under the auspices of "The Friends of the . Earth Society". The closing scene shows two polar bear cubs heading out across the ice, leaving their mother presumably dead, having been shot from a-helicopter by a mighty white hunter. It is a touching scene. But a deliberate hoax. The producers of the show wittingly involved a well known Alaskan game guide, an Anchorage dentist and a biologist with the Alaska State Game Commission in presenting their hoax. It also involved the theft of film footage from Kodak's Laboratory in Anchorage. As presented the film depicted seven Alaska State Game Laws being violated. Polar bear in Alaska, as in Canada, are hunted under a strict permit system. It is illegal to use a helicopter or fixed wing aircraft to locate and persue polar bear, as it is to fire at polar bear from the air. The mother bear, when I was in Juneau eighteen months after the film was shot was still alive and as near as any one knew, healthy. The touching death scene in Say Goodbye was made when she was anesthetized so that a radio transmitter could be attached to her neck. State game biologists were studying polar bear migration on the ice flows. The producers of the show knew this.... having obtaine film footage shot by the biologist ... presumably to show a national television audience the role of the State Game Commission in protectin a vanishing species. As it turned out this was not what was intendec sh