©$Z22Z62€4é . ' minutes. Your father offered to buy it from him. It only rained twice last week. First for 3 days and then for 4. Monday was so windy that one of our chickens laid the same egg four times. We had a letter yesterday from the undertaker. He said if the last installment was'nt paid on your Grandmother within 7 days, up she comes. I must close now... because the plumber is coming here to repair the pipes and there's a shocking smell. A ee Wer’ ). De Your loving mother. ARCHIVE \ C £ pom. « P.S. I was going to send you $10, but I had already sealed the envelope. a ss s o Be WENT: ete — — ey yu me @ DOV Potuma FOR Ay im poRTAAT a Nay % livn bey anel Lhe Wee Aime Mend po ea Be ae Az oe ue fect re oe fin | Aw aus OEMS Prep Jw [7 @w Uaete ty aat trer t Cent ee igo ae! Aguacising penn Vepr Free Sarieg oe Mr! ~ bee awe Rakes. /O.