ZONE With only a couple of months left until spring. most wet coasters at Douglas College are starting to wonder why we insisted on calling this our winter semester. While many Canadians are struggling with block heaters and shivering in sub-zero temperatures we're left to decide whether we should go golfing or rollerblading But before you hit the greens or strap on those blades, take a moment to catch up on College happenings. Welcome back Heather... Heather Campbell (formerly IMS photographer) has come back to the College after being away on LTD for a temporary appointment as Tutor/Coordinator in the ICARE program. Heather is taking over for Carol Leyland who is now the Learning Centre Assistant. Christine Doyle will continue in Heather’s position at IMS. Chemistry makes a baby... Congratulations to Heather Avison (Chemistry Lab Technician) and husband Jeff. on the birth of a baby boy named Ian Robert on January 19. Ian weighed in at 8lbs, 1 loz. Hello to David... Next time you see Dale Zieroth, say "hi" to David. In a recent memo to the College Community he said, "For various reasons, I have decided to reclaim my original first name. Please see the poem (below)". David Dale Forced to abandon him by a grade one teacher who could not accept two boys with the same name, | accepted my second. | think of David as a skin dropped, a ball lost in the summer grass My parents often spoke of him or mouthed my new name as if | were a guest and they were waiting politely for his return —because what faults | had could never spring from him. Well, did he grow up through change, embarrassment, and try to speak the lines reserved after all for him? He never did. When | meet him now at dawn or just before sleep, he stands speechless although | know he wants from me more than words. Lately, when | cut myself on paper, and the sharp red line wells over and falls, his young mouth is pressed against my hand. Cathy Gibney of the Registrar's Office was the winner of a $30 certificate for the Boathouse in the Seasonally Af- fected Draw (SAD). The prize was anonymously donated by a College em- ployee to help us cheer up during the long winter months. Hayes is number one... Betty Lou Hayes, Manager of Athletics and Intramurals, won the Investors Community Sports Administrator Award at the Unsung Heroes in Sports Conference held January 29 at the College. The award recognizes people behind the scenes in sports such as administrators and managers. Betty Lou’s name has now been forwarded to Sports Canada for national consideration. Brenda wins big... Congratulations to Brenda Walton, Assistant Registrar, this month’s winner of the Foundation’s 60/40 draw. Brenda cashed a cool cheque of $404.40 (60%). The rest of the draw, $269.60, goes to student aid. If you would like to take part in next month’s draw contact Debbie McFadyen at 5360. No extra... A group of 649 poolsters in the Registrar’s Office thought they’d won a big one when four out of six numbers came up on their ticket. Unfortunately, the four lucky numbers were popular and the winnings split many ways. The 19 participants were left with just $65.20. Mary Moorcroft, Registrar’s Office Clerk, who helps organize the ticket pool, calculated that had the four numbers shown up on the EXTRA portion of their ticket, the group would have won $500,000. Sailing success... Best wishes to Paul Taylor, Chemistry Technician, who will be sailing a 26-foot Thunderbird sloop in an international race in Puget Sound (near Seattle) on March S. Paul came third in the world championships last year sailing with the same vessel and crew. Suggestion Box... If you have any comments or suggestions for stories about people or events concerning Douglas College, please drop us a line. Contact Walter Melnyk at 5547 or send a message to the INside through campus mail.