a a MINUTES (cont'd.) John Slattery will report to Bob Lowe and will keep him informed of the problems and the processes as details are worked out. Also to be considered are demands which will be placed upon the Biology/ Psychology/Sociology/English & Communications disciplines. John and Win were asked to submit budget requests to Bob Lisson as soon as possible. Reg indicated that the total budget for the move would be placed before the Steering Committee by November lst, 1980. seeeeROg Pridham THE GUIDED LECTURE PROCEDURE "T can't listen and take notes at the same time - the instructor goes too fast." This is the most frequently heard complaint among students attending lectures. If you suspect that this is a problem for your students, consider the "Guided Lecture Procedure." 1. The GLP method gives each student a_chance to overview the lecture before it begins. The instructor presents a list of that day's lecture objectives and purposes and also highlights new terminology. 2. Half the classtime is devoted to lecturing. Students are encouraged to engage in active, intensive listening and thinking only. during this time. 3. Immediately afterwards, students are given 5-10 minutes to jot down important concepts from their listening. 4. Students then gather in small groups to exchange and discuss the ideas they've selected. On the basis of these discus- sions formal notes are prepared: main ideas are put into sequential order, details are added, and conclusions are drawn. 5. Students are encouraged to reflect and review that day's lecture immediately after class or later the same day. The formula: previewing, listening, note taking, and immediate review enhances long-term memory and learning. The GLP allows students to engage in one task at a time: listening first and note taking afterward. It is especially useful for math and science lectures (which present a high volume of information and require a high degree of information synthesis) for which it was originally developed. Further information on this and other reading/study skills topics may be obtained from IAN McCAUGHEY, SANDRA CARPENTER, or SHERRY LADBROOK (Reading and Study Skills Faculty). =o Le =