By Kristina Mameli, News Editor but one thing’s for sure: the legacy of the kings of kitschy thrash will remain intact long after the band succeeds in getting the intergalactic drug trade back up and running. Hours before a sold out show at the plastic- sheathed Commodore Ballroom, The Other Press sat down with Oderus Urungus, the mighty leader of Gwar and ruler of Earth, to discuss the impending destruction of the human race among other [= been 25 blistering years of interplanetary insanity, An intimate interview with the supreme overlord of Earth, Oderus Urungus crack] finds us, gets us addicted to crack, then all the other stuff happened. Ever since then—25 years; it’s been like an eye blink,” Urungus said. Urungus, chewing beef jerky and chain smoking, was extremely cordial and nonchalant for the supreme overlord of the universe, and he was happy to be back in Canada. “Canada is a thriving cesspool of fucked up Gwar freaks who demand their Gwar,” began Urungus. “They really put the United States to shame at a lot of these “You see, Cardinal Sin has stamped out all crack cocaine in outer space and Earth is the only place where | lot of killing to be done,” he said almost disturbingly passively. “And unless we improve our navigational abilities, I’m afraid we’ll never conquer planet earth. If I can’t find Japan, how can I destroy it? I mean, if there were enough places to play we probably would play every second.” “If we could get that time machine working then we could go back and tour 1992,” Balsac the Jaws of Death piped in. “Yes! The time machine! I’d forgotten it,” said Urungus. But the real a can score. So, being completely addicted to crack cocaine, needing it to live, I’m just stuck here until we can ee = you happen to figure out how to get crack back into space. That’s our goal now: to distribute the rock.” “That’s the be familiar with — Oderus Urungus year of Hannah the mythology Montana’s that surrounds birth,” said Gwar or not, you can certainly appreciate their relentless touring schedule, astounding attention to detail and sheer dedication to the world they, with the help of their fans, have crafted through music and performance. Urungus and guitarist Balsac the Jaws of Death concisely summed up Gwar’s storied past. “Born for war, joined the Master Scumdog Legion, fucked up so bad, was loaded into the Butt Cannon, shot to Earth, killed the dinosaurs, mated with the apes, created the human race, sank Atlantis, banished to Antarctica, frozen solid, millions of years went by, ozone layer depleted, hairspray metal, Gwar thawed out...take it Balsac.” “Sleazy P. Martini finds us, turns us into a rock band and we conquer the earth. Done.” “He skipped the crack part. Sleazy P. [who invented 12 gigs.” Gwar has toured the world over, with the sole aim of systematically destroying the planet. Though, as Urungus revealed, the band is directionally challenged, something that greatly hinders its ability to do so. “All of my destructive efforts have basically been in America-and Canada. Talk about having trouble getting somewhere, we can’t find Japan. It’s just one little island out there in this big blue blob... we’ ve destroyed Pago Pago so many times I can’t count. In fact, they’re just calling it Pago now.” Urungus attributed the difficulty of vanquishing places like Japan to the fact that Gwar is forced to travel everywhere on foot. “We can walk across the bottom of the ocean or use our Jesus boots and walk on the surface, but there’s a lot of the world left to conquer. There’s a Urungus, alluding to the possible need to destroy her. “I’m a huge Hannah Montana fan,” said Balsac, stifling that notion. “I would however, destroy Miley Cyrus. That buck toothed red neck whore has been riding on Hannah Montana’s coat tales for far too long.” “We can’t tolerate it,” said Oderus. Love of Hannah Montana and hate for Miley Cyrus aside, rumours that the Lust In Space tour will be Gwar’s last have been circulating for some time; but Urungus quickly put a stop to any such thinking. “We like to dangle that in front of everyone’s faces just so they can reflect on the misery they’ll have when Gwar is gone,” he laughed manically. “It brings me delight. For right now the human race is safe. You see, Cardinal Sin has stamped out all crack cocaine in outer space and Earth is the only place where I can score. So, being completely