ee A? hae pe Jouglas college ’ Inter Office ee To: Al Colege Personnel eee ese ah Eade , From: Academic 4 Advi isors” in Student Services ple : z : Re: . Orientation for Ser Senior r Secondary Students ind | y on Tuesday, Weanesday and Thursday, March AP ii ‘19, oe academic advisors z will be. offering an orientation to “Douglas Col lege progra id Ba services for sehier secondary ‘students. | This three da ; wh me occur during the ‘Spring break, will provi le opportunt ty ig students to find out about Programs and services avArable 2 at Doug as ‘College. The academic advisors wi W be offering Group ‘Advising sessions. ov htt the following. areas: ne Universi ty Tr aneter (phadana;, - “ - First- -year Arts” (including Social Work) - First-year Science (i ncluding pre-entry requirements) kL a - Commerce and Business Administrati - Criminology (including « certif cate and diploma programs) easing Bere e Eas uy a Soet “ “Registered ‘N al Services. Child Care Counsellor ursing ( (Basic) Registered ee ‘Nursing a - Early | - 2 aint Social Service Worker hildhood Education Servi ce Worker-Mental Ret Ton ardation 7 re: Recreation Technician = Accounting Management -- Administrative Management = Comp Dental Auxillary Pre liary T and Il - Dental Hygiene requirements for Vancouver Community College. ~ Dental Aux grams. ter Information Systems Y uction Management ‘al Business hi Marketing SEEN . Business Management: Career Programs