THANK-YOU would like to thank several people who volunteered their time at the Athletics Banquet held Friday, April 8, 1988. A special thanks to Merrilyn Houlihan and Jan Gara who were kept very busy during the first half of the evening and ICL’s Ted Malck who provided quantities of superior food when 20 more people arrived unexpectedly. More thanks to Sylvia Wojak and Carmen Mahood who helped at the Social along with Kris Rem- men and all the usual hockey and basketball parents who also come to every game. Paul Taylor provided the music and Dave Dalcanale was the pub manager. The social was kept in line by College security who were a welcome sight as the evening progressed and especially wel- come when it was time to shove everyone out the door at 1 a.m. We enjoyed Bruce Enns, Head Coach Men’s Basketball UBC, as the guest speaker, and Chris Johnson was unparalleled as the M.C. and was pleased to see several new faces at the dinner, Gordon Gilgan, John McKendry, Cliff Murnane and Rob Corbett to name a few. Bill Day, Gerry DellaMattia and Richard Norman presented awards while special guests, Andy and Helen Andrews and Mike and Nancy Garisto enjoyed dinner and visited with old friends. leather Campbell dragged her boyfriend, Perry, along and recorded the whole thing for posterity. (Perry enjoyed Chris’s jokes so much, he won’t have to be dragged here the next time.) The Student Society was well- represented with president-elect Karen Downey and treasurer- elect Scott Nelson in attendance. Everyone seemed to have a good time but we certainly look for- ward to next year! Betty-Lou Hayes (A list of award winners follow) GEORGE WOOTON SCHOLARSHIP ORIENTATION FOR SENIOR SECONDARY STUDENTS e would like to thank all College personnel who par- ticipated in the Orientation for Senior Secondary Students to Douglas College on March 29, 30, and 31. The Orientation was well attended. Your recommendations and sug- gestions for next year’s orientation are invited. Please call any one of us to discuss your ideas. Lorraine Cotter, local 2723 Georgina Ferguson, local 2762 Sharon Helgesen, local 2754 Linda Stieler, local 2761 Thank you again for your par- ticipation. Fe scholarships (of ap- - proximately $500 each) in honour of George Wooton, the first president of Douglas Col- lege, are available this year to graduating students in any program who have shown: 1) superior scholastic ability, and 2) significant participation in college and community activities. Candidates for this award must be nominated by a student, staff, or faculty member. Nominations must include a letter of recom- mendation giving the reasons for the nomination. Nominations for candidates from the May 1988 graduating class must be received by the Stu- dent Finance Office by Friday, April 30, 1988. Wendy Watt SUMMER HOURS Effective May 2, 1988, the Stu- dent Finance and Placement Office will be open during the fol- lowing hours: Monday thru Friday (except Thursday): 1030 - 1600 hours (10:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.) Thursday: 1300 - 1600 hours (1:00 - 4:00 p.m.) SUMMER SCHEDULE Due to the Summer Schedule commencing in May, the Mad Hatter will be published every two weeks until Septembcr. Marilyn Kristian PAS EE SIS EY GSP A LE A SS AE GLP EG UOT ETA FSW GS a GE SESS