MAD HATTER 10 TUITION FEES DOUGLAS COLLEGE CALENDAR At the June 19th meeting of the College Board, Please be advised that effective July 1, 1986, an amendment to By-law 5(A3) "Fees and Charges there will be a charge levied for the Calendar. for Instruction 1983 By-law No. 83-5" was People wanting to pick up a copy will be charged approved. The following fee structure for credit $1.00 per copy. Requests to mail the Calendar courses/programs and services charges will be will cost $2.00 per copy, payable in advance. effective for classes commencing 1986 Fall Semester: The Bookstore will be responsible for selling the Calendar. Calendars can also be purchased in a) $22.00 per semester credit. the Office of the Registrar. All requests to mail a copy of the Calendar should be directed to b) For programs not structured on credits and the Registrar's Office. semesters: Trish Angus full-time fee $80.00 per month half-time fee 40.00 per month i quarter-time fee 20.00 per month BOOKING LISTS c) Application fee 15.00 Please help us by sending in your film booking/ equipment lists as soon as possible for the Fall 1986 d) Challenge fee 30.00 semester. e) Late registration fee 10.00 per course If you need any instructor's request forms, call @ Elizabeth at local 2104. f) Course change fee 5.00 per transaction } Thank you. g) Reinstatement fee 20.00 In addition to these fees there shall be payable, as a condition of enrollment, the prevailing fees WORK-STUDY of the Douglas College Student Society and The Other Publications Society. Each year Douglas College is allocated a Work- Study budget from the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education. The Work-Study Program provides part-time employment (5-15 hours per week) to full-time students. Other charges payable for the 1986 Fall Semester shall be as follows: a) Transcripts $ 3.00 per copy b) N.S.F. cheque charge —-10.00 Students must qualify on the basis of financial need. Eligibility is determined by the Student Finance and Placement Office, after the assess- ment of each student's Canada Student Loan/ Provincial Student Loan and/or the information provided on the Work-Study application form. Fees and charges for non-credit courses shall be determined and/or revised by the Dean of Community Programs and Services. M.H,. Morfey At this time we would like to ask for project submissions from interested College personnel. We are looking for one-time (non-repeating) 9 projects that will be in addition to the normal on-going activities of the department. cat... ol eee = i adieeel