We all know nobody cares about baby pictures—but pet pics are universally loved. Here is our collection of Other Press pets for your “ooooing” and “awwwwwing” pleasure. Sonam Kaloti Arts Editor This is Jasper! He’s 4-years old, a Jack Russell Terrier, and a complete terror (sometimes). He can be a sweet cuddly baby, but he can also flip like a switch. Besides ankle-nipping, he loves to lay in the sun, cause mayhem, and chase animals in the backyard (even though he can never catch them). Brandon Yip Senior Columnist Sam was a beautiful Border Collie and she lived to the age of 15. My family got her from a place in Maple Ridge in 2005. Sam was born in the Cariboo region. She was eight weeks old and one of five dogs available—and notably the only female. Sam was incredibly patient, affectionate, loyal—and her unconditional love for us is something | will always remember.