The Mad Hatter A Douglas College Newslette ber 2 93 TO ALL DOUGLAS COLLEGE EMPLOYEES As we again approach the festive season, it is time to pause - to look back and give thanks for the many good things that have taken place in 1985 - to remember our friends and loved ones, and to make plans for an even better year in 1986. You continue to be excellent ambassadors for Douglas College, and we sincerely thank you for both the service and cooperation which _ you brought to our institution this past year. We, the members of the Board, like you, are proud to be part of Douglas College. It is truly our aim to work with you in an effort to provide the best possible education for our students. Please accept our very best wishes for a very Merry Christmas, and both a happy, and satisfying New Year. On Behalf of the Douglas College Board DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES G.T. Trerise, Chairman IN THE HAT Exhibits...a nice holiday change Notices and Announcements Review of Educational Policies Committee Vacancy Innovation Abstracts