ug le A new come May be ty x nase especnilly one with a restored co. Eras On ster: Of Precious metal: of a new curt ind that only D : (like the Deutschmarks May be wan ride yg eae ® Z sututed for the old: or the den ment wha \ : MavON OF the old surreney ma: $ divided by some tuctor, als the Trane was divided by 100-10 prog the nouveau tun ny 198s Measures may be Necessitited wh the old Ney Nas become wet, Nhe the German Mark - or they may he merely Pryeholowical MEMHCIneY In either Gave, of course, it Nt the new currency that ops the . Nation the new SUETEneY Could the Fi bach Revolution, debauched as hast as the old Wh © in 1923 by issuing Mops the inthigen iy the will #OVernMent not fogwon inthe: to take the Sensequences Sper mhemen bs aS Presa co se ath pe ve with tisown tess. the BOver DE ei) . pea tSen pean Nit oblise ” Vans ne ; aflest vither eypect tome Caesar obliges BEES is ALO P ysowith ware WE CO tn Cla a The vprisente: Ry ee Ree nae Pn a waned then ut » ser that ii wa” F Hogg ye belieur Phe untlitien 1 Du "sn a tay i batter the wat nih the Mat neat appl sent the pre tthe < MeN oe ie ting Pe ie fm “ley hve Con, ; a Eh iy thine ar weg \ hom i mM, es 4 if Ma ‘hriy Men, ee i 1 fey, Hi STi aths ey al lhe te and seener ot hater 1, |, Hott, hah sana kl . oss simteathier FORCE Mo i . fh, oy tert ats tty a faa) ae See: Teka be dtvided