Re: PRESIDENTS ePORT ft Ae a mt 14 i J - I 1 r 1 a AY - bh he Fein. a esiation ieee its” De pri il 2¢ ath ‘Bei es of th douglas. gatlese sorry ye on over | mae : years ae etocity, 1 tee Ce to make a ees at the dinner. It. continues to be a pleasure, to see Eee with our regional ‘communities that has accumul. ed 18 years of Douglas, College's existence. — The vast n le present at the dinner ha id had working, contact © with “Cortex je, either as a student, | inst MERE or member a BR -advisoi committee. hit bs eee Se cc Sk eae ae sy Be "External Matters - Education oy. Ae ote Between. April 30, and ‘May Bae was in i berta, making presentations to the Mount oe ak Board of Governors, and, in company with — Mr. Jim Sator, Acting Dean of Ap plied Programs, and Ms. Virginia Chisholm, — irector of. Maar aihe _ Resources, attended a major conference — ¢ uter-ass sted instruction Calgary. Both experiences were orthwhile, and_ dion the Col lege vith a number of = Ertacts that will be useful as our Five-year plan evo e volves. Tikes ie nec “ Ministry Committee on Computer's: oy i asec Education has just about co mp let id ee _cycl 0" car — It will be handing in. a report to the Ministr: the This report fo huegn ome a baseline for the work rein entitled Vee FOTEC » end of Ju ae “of a new pa Project, whose task it will be to Anptenent and ee j introductio on of information tect nology 4 into our colleges an 1 a ae over the next few years. As Chairman ot e oe HAA I have been asked fahek on sn ie 2 eg the IN i is “effective e in June. in! sae eee ee ? i c Internal ‘Matters - ‘Education maha ae id Fi . i scittae ant Work continues by the Douglas “owieye | undation paration for. the external campaign for the Douglas lege Bee that will be commencing in August/September. tae The fourth and final. ‘major community boat on. meeti ing oes this month, sponsored by the Community elations Development Co mini thee of the Board. This meeting involved advice to the Coll. ae cL representatives of various | advisory che Tege itself. A compendium of the advice a con a 0% Four communi ty consultations, will be tabled with the ‘Board in dune. This evict comes from Chambers of Commences City and Municipal gov School Boards; and represen a ives of our own ee ore oe It will be very valuable as another resource document t, giving us | a better sense of our own environment. val eed” Beds ers elles | L tie gene re 2s