INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / MARCH 7, 1989 Governance System Survey Results In order that a more complete analysis may be made of the responses please complete the following: | am: Pull time faculty member (including Type 1) Contract faculty member I am a member of the following College Division: Community Programs and Services [48] Applied Programs Academic [13] Student Services For cach question/statement, circle the answer that most closely corresponds to your opinion or feelings. SA = Strongly agree A= Agree D=Disagree SD= Strongly disagree Total Response %SAXA %D&SD 1. The College governance system is effecitve. SA A D sD 1 18 34 38 OL 21% 79% 2. The interests of my discipline are adequately served by the governance system. SA A D sD 1 16 43 39 99 17% 83% 3, My professional expertise is adequately recognized and valued by the governance system. SA A D SD 1 2 41 31 96 26% 75% 4. My professional expertise is adequtely recognized and valued by the College administration, SA A D SD 5 34 31 26 $6 41% 59% 5. Given the College curriculum coordinating committtce (C4) adjudicates course overlap/jurisdiction or that a college senate would fulfill the same role, there is no need for final approval of course outlines and new curriculum to go beyond the departmental level, SA A D sD 27 39 19 9 94 70% 30% 6. A college senate composed largley of clected faculty members should be the final arbiter of pedagogical and curiculum policy. SA A D sD 32 38 19 4 93 75% 25% 7. College management has no significant role to play in deciding curriculum and instructional policies. SA A D sD 24 35 35 4 98 60% 40% 4. The current (new) college grading system provides a good example of the inadequacies of the college governence system. SA A D SD 18 18 27 5 68 53% 47% 9. (Department Chairmen are currently elected for a fixed term in the Academic Division) Department Chairmen should continue to be elected for a fixed term. SA A D SD 19 38 11 11 79 72% 28% 10. (Department Directors are currently appointed for an indeterminant term) Department directors should be elected for a fixed term. SA A D SD 30 29 20 12 91 65% 35% 11. (Divisional Deans are currently appointed for an indeterminant term) Divisional Deans should be elected for a fixed term. SA A D sD 19 21 25 18 83 48% 52% 12. 1 was afforded an adequate opportunity to participate in the recent iteration of the College 5 year plan. SA A D SD T 34 29 18 38 47% 53% 13.1 am satisfied that the approved College 5 year plan adequately reflects my input into the plenning process. SA A D SD 4 23 35 22 84 42% 63% 14. The approved College 5 year plan meets the priorities of my discipline/department. SA A D SD 3 26 23 21 73 49% 60% 15. Given my experience with the development of the recent 5 year plan, I am willing to participate in the development of future 5 year plans. SA A D sD 8 31 18 17 74 53% 47%