ee PARTICIPANTS Aten “this. Seaekehae has been? ‘apaclticaily designed for‘ adult volunteers who work with Eek and: wish £6 sevele elt knowledge and skills 4 an: understanding: and coe li =to. i ; ee ; a. “oeyehilogy of. adolescence}: Hersdnaiity, {aterspersenal relationships, ee unkel= . oy SF . .\ ling,* and life styles,: problems with delinquency, attitudes, and values. will | : ae zoe studied ‘in: ‘the context of Transactional gnapyets: sig ~ WHAT'S TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS Semen! teinenatianat Rusiyelat (r. A. . is a new way to talk bout eabevioe.: a. new way. ieee - to sort yourself out,. @ new-way to figure out what's going on between you and 224 Sobers people. oT.A. was. o¥iginated by Eric Berne whose books include "Games © ic: “. People Play", and “What do’ “you say After you say Hello". Participants might consider reading one of Berne’ 's books or Thomas Harris' "I'm 0.K.- You're O. kK." prior £0; the’ workshop, but this ; is nota requirement: of the course. - ee +s rc "RESOURCES os Dre ecalg Jehie ton ues Miller are directors’ of Sacremento Transactional ~ eh as, Sa Associates. and colleagues of Thomas Harris. Both have had extensive see ; ae Sees swhence +n teaching Ts A. ates a . wide ern ety & of groups. oS Lela ADVISORY COMMITTEE aes Scouts of Canada = Rick: Clark. Douglas College*- Chris jenbech ; ~ Beryl Hamilton - Sheldon Walker ~ Girl: Guides - Barbara James 23s ics ee ae ~ Toby Snelgrove _ New Westminster a NCR: - “Roy MeKelvie ee wo She tae eat 8 aa Beh Duck » pivhel aie ae ES ~, oo; < oo Se _ PLACE: New Westminster. H/EWCA Name Beth ae see, 80 aee6th. street: ees hiion cere. 3 a vos New Westminster . eee pt Street 800 City: TIME: Friday, February 27/75 7430 pem. = 10:30°p.m.. code Phone Dey ate a F ae Baer eee pet aale edit ao “WORKING WITH YOUTH Bis ; i A . ze Pay “S Please make cheque for $25 payables to FPEEs..-$25 -*: : ie Douglas College and mail to ADMISSIONS, 4 i = Douglas College, P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster, B. C. V3L 5B2. Douce College , CONTINUING EDUCATION Organization Affiliation PO BOY 2503 NOW WESTMINSTER A> NEW WESTMINSTER CAMPUS $2144" | RICHMOND CAMPUS 27) MEI SURPFY CAMPUS S64 44'1 ADMISSIONS 568-6404 ‘ SE SE ES ES ST A A SS SS me .