Lettitor I know, I know, it seems like we’ve only just been Hey folks, reunited and now we’re leaving vou again. It’s not vou, though, it’s us. You see, The Other Press has been th annual nation invited to Edmonton to attend the 67 al conference of the Canadian University Press (CUP from Jan 19- Since we will be very busy attending seminars and networking with the cream of Canada’s future journalism crop—we will be unable to create next week’s issue of this fabulous publication you have come to AYel@sne SO, Now, I know some naysayers claim that the nation al CUP conferences usually involve more tequila-fueled late-night snowball fights and various other forms of drunken buffoonery than actual discussion and improvement of student-journalism technique—but the people who say that are probably just bitter because they don’t get to compete in the annual CUP confer ence’s body-shot or wet-t-shirt contests. But seriously, our delegates this year will be on their best behaviour as representatives of your fine college. And, hopefully, they'll even learn a thing or two to dazzle you with in the coming semester, Oh, and now that I’ve disappointed you with news of our one-week hiatus, | suppose I should tell you that we won't be here the following week either. But, if it’s any consolation...neither will you. Yup, it’s already time for Reading Break, can you believe it? I’m sure there’s nothing you would rather read duri your reading break than the OP, but I couldn’t in good conscience take you away from your studies like that. Don’t worry though; we’re not totally heartless around here. It’s not like we’re just gonna take off for two weeks and leave you with nothing at all. Why, this issue you are reading right now is so good, it'll be sure to tide you over till we meet again. We’ve got articles about the BCGEU strike, a first-hand account of the tsunami in South-east Asia, the disturbing image of an angry naked Colin Miley doing jumping jacks, tips on how to have affordably priced organic produce deliv- ered to your door, and the latest on date NHL, NBA, NEL, and various other sporting-association acronyms. So, let’s just enjoy our time apart from e other. Perhaps, after taking this break, you'll realize just how much we really mean to you. And if not, too bad— we're still coming back, so deal with it. —Amanda Aikman, Managing Editor January 18/2008 es eli co Shines. s.dlinsilig Solos acs une Tragedy FirstHand ..........0.0ccc.. BORD Siig ee eee ee CMe a tae ce 4 Shooting From the Hypocrite... odesadttenal aes ete aus eae 5 BCGEU Strike Targets Douglas College Campuses ...................000. sa isa cago teat caeenie eS News Wears Short Shorts ..............cccccsecsseeeseees Spee nated See eee It's All Small Potatoes ................. esc acai aS ne ee Embracing a Life Without Money ...........0cc cece eeee S: cucauveag ey ae Ei Taking a Stand: The case for legalizing prostitution ......... seann tate see ee arts & entertainment. Celebrities Dig Deep into Their Louis Vuittons to Aid Tsunami Victims ................. ate ieee OUe AMatch Made inVegas ......00......cccceeeee sige Calg casteibbaues shut Bee) Pe Fale ered Ie The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly ...........00.0..... Ep af US ae ic ae i eee neem 13 Documentary Puts Fox News under the Microscope .................cccsceseeseesees WALL oe Ik Passing the Book ................. ss iadetiivadegloktavates Fake rahix ae eet eee a Stee te 6 Whats on Around Town ..................eeeeeeeeees Meee at ea aie SSF 2 Rg 1] 0 ini pinions Be chleve tetsu, Ame rn eo Ae, = The Way Things Sometimes Are ...... Right hart cteu sia! tert ea atte at is as 18 Post-Secondary Education: The Key to Canadas future .................. ser recnee are ee Science Matters oo... cceseeeeeseeeees Sa AT SAG ee Pee pee Ce | Right Hook ........... Ii achieves cei Me occasions scnahemredtanneas tain sepacv sill RNa se ee eo The World of Sports ..............cesecceeeeees Rackinpuncasenres ARSE nh Grete ere gay al MUNIN cd ceca ee ee ene, a ten eins Bde eaeehsiscs al MUL DEN oso inicccsa tev exert dais aauciattgetasades gm yeorentteyacuvenesea’ a2 RARER TAR SPeeeeses 8s Lyall 1) Mam Nese MOT neha Reception aa INE 5.5... <5 wotenk dvb abanieeses cin caudate eS, MRE edad aa rn = ht eh ee ee DGHEFAPeSS | 3