OP Wimmin's Supplement March 22, 1995 Endless fun with your fingers Masturbation is a safe and ok alternative to sex | She would never admit it but... by Kelly Hayes way my mother has. How much change can these journals make if my mom can’t read them? by Dia Richardson In the 90s some people turn red when the subject of masturbation arises. Even worse, some people still consider masturbation a mortal sin. Then there are the old wives tales about go- ing blind or growing hair on the palms of your hands. These were the stories that boys were told to discourage them from jacking off. The truth of the matter is, what with the threat of AIDS and the campaigns to “Just say no (to sex)”, that the only real safe sex is masturbation and it’s a lot more fun than saying no. We are sexual beings. Little baby boys get erections and little girls like to play with them- selves and hump stuffed animals. A parents’ reaction to their child’s first sexual urges can shape the child’s sexuality for the rest of her life. There are four common reactions to this: The Prude approach: Horror, shock and scolding the child for doing such a disgusting thing. The Sensible approach: Telling the child that they are doing nothing wrong but that they should only do that in their own home/room. The Invisible approach: The parent does not know how to deal with the situation so they ignore the child. The Horrific approach: These sick people prey on an child’s innocent sexuality and abuse them. An abuser once used the defense in court that the three year old was sexually aggressive and that was why he molested her. The judge bought his story. What is the right approach? I think we all know that the last one is definitely not right but it will still affect the child’s sexuality. A number of these children grow up to be abusers, them- selves. So how we were raised determines if we as adults are the gigglers, the blushers, the abusers, the completely shocked or comfortable when masturbation comes up. The completely shocked probably stopped reading this article after the first paragraph. So what is masturbation? According to the Oxford dictionary: masturbate: Produce sexual orgasm (of) by manual stimulation of genitals, etc., not by sexual intercourse. There is even a market for devices to help people masturbate. There are artificial vaginas for men and vibrators for women. Of course, you can always stimulate yourself by hand, then you don’t have to worry about replacing the batter- ies. Some women prefer a nice massage with the shower head. Masturbation is also probably the one thing that humankind has in common. I’m sure as much as some of us hate to admit it, that most of us have masturbated at some point in our lifetime. It probably felt good too. Maybe not as great as the real thing... sex... but it felt good. Isn’t that really what masturbation is, a substitute for sex, and since we all have it in common, what is there to be ashamed about? Wuy? When I asked my mom if she would like to write something for this Womyn’s Supplement, her answer was, “Sure, how about writing FUCK YOU!” Quite a surprising response, considering my mom does not allow the use of the F-word in her home, never mind using it herself! However, it was an appropriate response coming from a woman who is up at 5:00 a.m. and to bed at midnight - besides going to work from 7:00 till 4:00 for just above minimum wage, she feeds, clothes, cleans, nurtures, shops for, advises, takes huge amounts of shit from, worries about, and fights for her 4 children, husband, mother brother, aunts and uncles and anyone else in this fucked-up world who needs what she has. She will claim again and again that she is not a feminist - yet SHE IS one in its purest form. No article in any white, middle-class, academic journal has changed this world the I applaud her answer of writing Fuck You and support it with all I have. Why do I think she is a feminist? Well, if the above doesn’t satisfy you: She raised me to be proud of my working-class neighbourhood, and at the same time, to look at it critically and work to change the structures that oppress us and our neighbours; She is never afraid to giver her boss shit (non-unionized women risk a lot by doing this!); She continually fought for our rights to equitable education (although she would not use this term - it’s my internalized academia showing through) even though that same education has tried very hard to teach me to hate where I come from, to negate my foots, possibly to hate all that my mom stands for. Now it’s my turn and your turn. I learned it all from her, and yet she would never admit that either. Breastimplants Sateen s anna Feet binding Republicans do believe in a woman’s right to control her own ody! At aoa er Clitorectomies A PUBLIC SERVICE MESSAGE FROM GUERILLA GIRLS 532 LAGUARDIA PL NEW YORK 10012 BS I’ve had to search for role models other than Barbie. Because I’m not lying, I’m not stupid, and I mean what I say. Because I can’t trust and survive. Because men can walk on the moon and [I still can’t get decent safe birth control. Because I’m told to alter myself every day. Because I would like to have a daughter. Because I like my name. Because some bruises never go away. Because I have a right to choose. Because I’m not helpless, I’m not frail, and yes maybe I willcry. Because I’m hungry. Because I’mangry. Because it is her story too. Because I want control. Because I want power. Because I believe. For these and many other reasons, I am a feminist.