‘-INside © Greater than the tread of mighty armies is an QUOTE of the MONTH idea whose time has come. * Victor Hugo March 2, 1993 The Douglas College Newsletter Local musician Andre Thibault plucked a few notes on this Arabic oud at the Guitar Festival on Feb. 13 in the concourse. Psych Nursing degree an important first Douglas College’s first collaborative de- gree program linking our Psychiatric Nursing Program with the Open Learning Agency (OLA) could indicate a significant trend for the future, says Dean of Applied Programs John McKendry. The new program will allow students who have completed the College’s Advanced Di- ploma Program in Psychiatric Nursing to continue into a one-year option with the en Learning Agency to complete a de- gree in Bachelor of Health Science, Psychiatric Nursing. The announcement by Advanced Education Minister Dr. Tom —_ on sana 26 concluded two oe & of planning involving Douglas College, the OLA, and the provincial Ministries of Health and Advanced Education, Training and Technology. Douglas College offers B.C.’s only two- year Psychiatric Nursing Diploma Program for students entering the field. The one- year Advanced Diploma Program offers specialized training to Registered Psychiat- ric Nurses and qualified Registered Nurses. Psych Nursing continued on page 5 Open House at Thomas Haney Centre going ahead March 25 is the date for the first-ever Open House at Douglas College’s Thomas Haney Centre campus in Maple Ridge, which opened last fall. College Publicist Christina Symons says that the Open House will feature work- shops, keynote speakers, tours, drop-in classes and entertainment. "We want to promote community aware- ness of Thomas Haney Centre, and specifically we want to outline the educa- tion options available in that community." A working committee has been struck to organize the event, and several themes have been developed. "The theme we like best is: Thomas Haney Centre - a good place to start,’ because for many people it’s a place to take upgrading courses or begin programs that lead them to further THC continued on page 2 inside INside... Presidents report,............. 2 Co-op placements growing....... 2 Ruth Gilllatt retires............. 3 College briefs................. 3 Service with asmile............ 5 Events calendar......,........ 6 Inside Zone................... 7 HRD workshops ............... 8