| ay | Educational Leave - 1985/86 ATTENTION: FACULTY Applications for educational leave during the 1985/86 fiscal year must be submitted by December 1, 1984. | These should be sent to me as responsible administrator. Application forms and guidelines for adjudicating educational leave re- \quests are available from my office (call Jean Hammer 4903). For cee information regarding educational leave, faculty can refer writing to Personnel. | to Article 12 of the Collective ‘Agreement. Jim Doerr Lakeside Loses Evelyn Battell jlt is with regret that I have iaccepted Evelyn Battell's resignation \from the Lakeside Project and Douglas ‘College. Evelyn is leaving for personal reasons. While working at Lakeside, Evelyn has made a significant contribution ito her students and to the Project. [In particular, Evelyn's concern for, ‘and skill in working with people in the functional literacy program, has ‘been much appreciated by her students. Best of luck Evelyn. Jim Doerr he ok eee ali cas ae iol te ‘eee... oh DOUGLAS COLLEG November 9, ‘cc hi Mad Hatter Page 3 ARCHIVES | YM/YWCA Memberships This is an update in seeking a corporate membership for Douglas College employees at the New West- minster YM/YWCA. ‘ ' | To date, there have been 18 employees! who have indicated an interest. To | qualify for the maximum discount of | 25% on memberships, we require a minimum of 25 employees. | I have extended the deadline to 1984. If you are inter- | i ested, please submit your name in Bob Corbett | Noon at New West i \ Noon Hour Concert i ! James Parker, Piano Winner, prestigous Eckhardt- Grammatte Award, follows his national tour. Date: November 8, 1984 Time: 1230 hours Place: Performance Theatre Music Stands. Owing to the fact that all lecture classrooms are not equipped with lecterns, many instructors are borrowing music stands for lecture purposes. This practice causes con- siderable inconvenience to music students who require music stands to