INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / APRIL 18, 1989 Athletic Update ATHLETICS BANQUET The Athletics Banquet held last Friday was a huge success, as ath- letes and coaches had a chance to exchange awards and the oc- casional "kind" joke. Chris Johnson, always a superb M.C., (even though he was feeling a bit under the weather) managed to make our awards ceremonies more interesting and humorous than the Academy Awards! Among invited guests who gra- ciously attended this celebration were Board members Myma Popove and Marie Kadatz, Ad- ministrators Gordon Gilgan, our own #1 Al Atkinson, John Mc- Kendry, Peter Greenwood, and Kris Remmem. Special guests included Andy Andrews, Robin and Ann Ryan, Alan and Anne Chin, Chris McKee (Student Society), Terry and Rory Kirstein (hockey), and last but definitely not least, Heather Campbell, who not only brings her other half, but also her camera and takes the many hundreds of pic- tures that we require. Thanks, Heather. Awards given out by the coaches this year are numerous but well- deserved, for student-athletes must combine an extra 8-10 hours of practices and 102 games per week with an already busy academic life. Obviously, there is very little room for a social life, and I know that many athletes are very appreciative of parents who lend not only finan- cial support, but also do their laundry and cook meals. Congratulations to the athletes and coaches on a very successful year!! AWARDS Badminton MVP Best Rookie Most Improved Hockey MVP Top Scorer Top Rookie Offensive Defenceman Defensive Defenceman Most Inspirational Most Sportsmanlike Most Dedicated Men’s Volleyball Most Outstanding Most Improved Most Inspirational Women’s Basketball MVP Best Offensive Best Defensive Most Inspirational Rookie of the Year Most Improved Golf MVP Women’s Volleyball MVP Most Improved Unsung Hero Most Sportsmanlike Men’s Basketball MVP Top Rebounder Most Improved Top Offensive Best Defensive Wrestling MVP Curling Com Broom Award Paul Meyer Kelley Wong Brian Robinson Allan Wall Shawn Hokanson Frank Pakozdy Steve Adrain Darren Battersby Glen Bulawka Frank Pakozdy & Darren Battersby Tony Troniak & Matt Popowitz Dean Witter Brian Koverchuk Ted Richards Ethel Atte & Andrea Jackson Claudia Zamprogno Jana Gibson Dallas Jorgenson Janice Halls Melissa Wilkinson Brian Killins Sandra Boffo Lesley Wilson Sue Beaudoin Lisa Horvath Glen Cote Sean Beasley Matt Wubs Phil Tapley Willis Pamell Todd Ketteringham Carey Blackbum continued on page 5 (US eg a a ee RG is a I A A