ADWISSIONS of hte — S BY: Wonderland Preschool c/o 6760 Kneale Place Burnaby 2, B. C. VSB 222 Marcn 9, 1975 Dougles College Pe. Oe Box 2oU3 New Westminster, 3. C. VSL 532 Dear Si s: We, at Wonderland Preschool, a member of the Council of Parent Participation Preschools and a non-profit organization, are in the midst of an Enrollment Campaicn fo September 1975. Will you please consider posting the following announcement in an appropriate area of your College? “Enroll now for Wonderland Preschool for September, 1975. We have programs for 3 and 4 year olds. We are iocated in Cliff Avenue United Church, 1606 Cliff Avenue. Phone Mrs. Chalmers 298 7948 or Mrs. Kovus 299 0968." For further information please cont ct Mrs. Taylor, 298 2971. Thank you for your time and attenticn. You.s truly, 4 Say led: (Mrs.) Lynne Taylor