we" Where do the slates stand on the issues? By Matthew Steinbach News Editor his week, reFresh and Vote For Change are running to win a majority of seats in the Douglas Students’ Union’s elections. Here is where the slates stand according to their speeches at the New Westminster all candidates forum last week. Accountability The reFresh slate discussed the need to have DSU representatives outside of the DSU building talking to students. They were especially critical of how past representatives have only discussed the issues during the campaign period and not on a regular basis. Christine Nieder of reFresh especially noted the need for a better paper trail, and more staff so that representatives could get outside of the building more. Vote For Change did not discuss accountability measures. Campus Life reFresh, wants to improve campus life by building a DSU building at the David Lam Campus. This is an attempt to equalize both campuses in DSU services. The idea is to ensure what is offered in New Westminster is also offered in Coquitlam. reFresh also discussed the need for more events, like Easter egg hunts on campus to improve student life through fun events. The slate would also like to renovate the New Westminster building at some point in the future to create a hang out spot. Vote For Change wants to renovate the New Westminster Campus building. This is so that they can host even better parties and to create a lounge atmosphere for when they are not hosting events. Vote For Change wants to create a space where students can hang out on campus that is not the concourse. The concourse they feel is too cold to be adequate. Canadian Federation of Students The CFS is a student organization that lobbies the provincial and federal governments on student issues. The Certified General Accountants DSU is a member of this organization. reFresh discussed the need to recommit to the CFS and the need for CFS initiatives to be represented at Douglas. By promoting their campaigns on campus reFresh explained that this will bring about more student awareness in provincial and federal student issues. Without student awareness reFresh believed that the DSU could not accomplish very much provincially or federally on student issues. Vote For Change also discussed the need to garner more student involvement in CFS issues. Deep Singh mentioned that there needs to be strength in numbers at Douglas College to accomplish these goals. Sustainability reFresh did discuss environmental sustainability. However, their goals were mostly limited to recycling programs. Vote For Change encouraged students to celebrate Earth Hour this year. Earth Hour is when all the citizens of the world are asked to turn off their lights. The amount of energy conserved is a Massive amount and is considered to put a dent in global warming. Transit One of the most discussed issues at the Forum was the U-Pass in which both slates were of a similar mind. Both felt it was important to have a U-Pass at the same cost of SFU or UBC (about $25 a month). Both slates also wanted to see an express bus between both campuses. A U-Pass is a universal bus pass that allows the user to go all three zones for the price of a one-zone bus pass. Currently most schools in the lower mainland have one, but Douglas does not. ic SPECIAL OFFER FOR STUDENTS -50% OFF WHY take the risk of having your income tax return prepared by a non-certified or inexperienced person? To get the peace of mind, pls call now at (604) 727 3038. 10 Djordje Sikimic and Shaun Dhakar are campaigning for the Vote for Change slate