MAD HATTER Classifieds UPCOMING PROJECT MANAGER - PHILLIPPINES PRESIDENT - NORTHERN COLLEGE OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY MARKETING, PACKAGING AND QUALITY CONTROL Sunday, June 12 1:00 p.m. CO-OPERANT - JAMAICA WOMEN’S TRAINING PROJECT CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC APICULTURE CO-OPERANT - JAMAICA WOMEN’S TRAINING Suzuki String Student Recital FREE PROJECT Performance Theatre, Rm. 4100 EVENTS For more information on these positions please contact the Personnel Sunday, June 19 1:00 p.m. Office. CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Suzuki String Student Recital FREE Performance Theatre, Rm. 4100 ANNUAL RETIREMENT This year June 14, 1988 has been selected as the day to honour current retirees: LYLE HOWARTH, BILL MORFEY, HANK NAYLOR, GARY THIND and to welcome back the retirees from past years. Various functions will take place on this day. One of the main events is a wine and cheese party hosted by the Deans start- ing at 3:30 in the Lower Cafeteria. This is open to all College employees. Please mark the date and time in your calendar. I hope to see you there. Bill Day () COMPUTER WEEKS: June 6-18 esa ROUND OUT YOUR college COMPUTER SKILLS At Douglas College you can design your own education program for micro-computers. Choose from a variety of one-day courses that can boost your effectivencss on the job, or pick the ones which interest you most. These hands-on seminars are designed to maximize learning -- a take-away workbook and data diskette with exercises allow you to reinforce your knowledge after the course. Your new skills can be immediately used at work. Fees during Computer Wecks are only $85.00 per one-day seminar. Take three courses at the regular rate and save 20% on any additional course . All courses run from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m, Choose from the list below. Introduction to MS-DOS/PC-DOS -Mon. June 6, MS-DOS/PC-DOS and Hard Disk Management -Tues. June 7 , Lotus 1-2-3 Essentials -Wed June 8, Lotus 1-2-3 Data Management and Macros -Thurs June 9, Selecting the Right Computer System ($60.00) -Fri June 10, Word Perfect Essentials -Mon June 13, dBase III Plus Essentials -Tues June 14, dBase III Plus Programming -Wed June 15, Accounting With Bedford -Thurs June 16, PC Trouble Shooting -Sat June 18. For more information on Computer Weeks at Douglas College call 520-5470. To register by phone (VISA or MASTERCARD ONLY), please call 520-5472, ——_—_-——_ a SS a SRA HR 7