La a aL Rule of Law... Referring to his textbook, Clarke said his pre- dictions of government using "every retrogressive, downward and backward step" on changes to police privileges have rung true. The loss of trust in police was heightened by new regulations on stop and search procedures, entering premises without warrants, body searches, holding suspects without legal advise, and what can be used as admissible evidence in a court of law. One of the final straws, in terms of public trust of the police, was in the use of a "cavalry charge" in quelling the miners' strike of 1984 and 1985, he said. "To watch a row of police, and this is no exagger- ation, riding down and clubbing a line of workers who are running away, is not something the British public wants to see." "The people were terrorized by an army of occupation. A balance has to be struck and I don't believe it is a job for them (the police)," Clarke said. Without offering any solutions to the problems of the rule of law, Clarke said similar distrust of police forces is beginning to happen in both Canada and the United States. "The consequences will outlive the terms of office of the new right,” he said. - DOUGLAS COLLEGE NEWS SERVICES Library Closure Please be advised that the Library will be closed on Thursday, May 8th, for our annual Learning Resources Development Day. Anyone requiring access to the library during that day should make special arrangements by calling Virginia Chisholm at local 2122. Thank you. Library Staff Time Issue Needed The library needs the following issues of TIME: | Volume 127 No. 14, April 7, 1986. Please send | to Theresa Kenkel - Technical Services. Thank you. Annual Retirement Just a reminder that our current retirees will be honoured at a wine and cheese party on Wednesday, May 14, 1986 at 3:30 P.M. in the lower cafeteria. We will also be welcoming back past retirees. This year, our retirees are: PETER ANDRUSIAK, Building Maintenance (1972 - 1986) JACK FERGUSON, Criminology (1971 - 1986) GEORGE PORGES, History (1970 - 1986) All faculty and staff are encouraged to attend this function. We hope to see you there. Bill Day Graduation Volunteers Needed The Office of the Registrar would appreciate VOLUNTEERS to help with the Graduation Ceremonies on Thursday evening May 22nd, 1986, from approximately 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Any employees (faculty, staff, administrators) that are interested in helping in this worthwhile cause may contact: Helen Smith Local 4613