MAD HATTER 13 OFFICE ADMINISTRATION MAPLE RIDGE CENTRE Please make your students aware of the following summer semester course offering for Office Administration courses starting May 4/87: QADM 150 - Administrative Procedures OADM 201 - Typing II OADM 310 P.C. - Word Processing I OADM 410 P.C. - Word Processing II OADM 230 - Office Financial Procedures | OADM 330 - Office Financial Procedures II OADM 420 - Concepts of Word/Information Processing MRK 350 - Personal Selling APPLY AND REGISTER AT: Douglas College Maple Ridge Centre, 11715 - 224th Street, © Maple Ridge, B.C. APRIL 27, 1987 through MAY 1, 1987 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. NOTE: For typing tests appointments, telephone: 467-3788 Tests are held the second Wednesday of each month @ 4:00 p.m. Brenda Bowes