Administrative Officer Position Description s Department of Drama September 1975 General Accountability Responsible to the Chairman, and accountable for financial administration (including business management of the Department's theatre activities), publicity and promotion of academic programs and theatre events, office management and supervision of clericals, providing academic support services which include timetabling and space reservations, revistration, student counselling assistance, vperating statistics, and fund-raising on behalf of a student bursaries fund. The Administrative Officer is also recording secretary for the Department's Council and Executive Committee. Resources and Context of Administration This position is one of 27 reporting to the Chairman. These consist of 23 academics, the Professional Officer / Technical Director, the Chairman's Secretary, and the Audio-Visual Technician. Reporting to the Administrative Officer are two full-time non-academic staff (of whom one is responsible for the processing of purchases, maintenance of accounting files, supervision of petty cash disbursements and deposit of miscellaneous revenues), and a Box- Office / Clerk who is a Sessional rene The Department is organized into six teaching divisions, with a professional staff of theatre technicians who report to the Professional Officer, and a number of part-time academic assistants. Excluding salaries, the Department has an operating budget of approx. $35,000 (of which cash expenditures form a significant part), a capital budget of approx. $20,000, grants and bursaries receipts of roughly $3,000, and revenues (mostly box-office and sales of Xerox copying) of approx. $13,900. The Department also. administers a trust account. Annually, there are approx. 800 registrations in some 70 courses, Students are registered in professional B.F.A, and M.F.A. programs, and the Department also offers a B.A., B.A. Honours, and M.A. A Studio Theatre season of four plays is mounted’ during the winter months and is now in its 27th year of operation; this season forms part of the professional training program. Other plays and special events are produced at various times throughout the year. Some Specific Notes on Administrative Requirements Financial administration extends from initial planning and co-ordination of budget requests to the preparatidn of periodic and year-end reports, There are, at present, twelve budget categories within the Department's supplies and sundries account. Publicity and promotion includes the mounting of an annual theatre subscriptions campaign, and will include various public relations: acti- vities such as conducted tours of the facilities and talks to schools and commun= ity groups. The successful candidate will have some background in arts admini- stration (preferably theatre) and a well-developed skill at written communication.