in oe ee Eat LIGRARY DOUGL ARGi ivwho COLLEGE CANADA 75 ASSOCIATION OF CANADIAN COMMUNITY COLLEGES NOVEMBER 9 - 12, VANCOUVER #3 A conference planning committee has been setxto reflect a number of elements for this national conference. The B. C. Colleges are hosting Collepe Canada 75 and will be active in the planning. The Lower “‘ainland Colleges, including B.C.1I.T., will be most immediately involved in the management of the conference because of their proximity and the resources that thev will have to supply. You should not be surprised if any one of you is asked by George Wootton, who will be the conference chairman, to parti-- cinate in one of the committees involved with the planning as will be other faculty members in other colleges. You need not wait to be asked. You could volunteer for anv one of the four committees. namely, Social, Program. Publicity or Logistics. Vancouver Community College will appoint a chairperson for the Publicity Committee, Capilano College will find a chairnerson for the Social Committee, B.C.1I.T. will coerce someone to chair the Logistics Committee and Douslas College will seek out a chairperson for the Program Committee. Qn each committee there will he an attempt to include students, faculty, council members and administration personnel, esnecially on Program Committee, which will also include someone from all of the colleges to make this committee representative of the whole province. The chairnersons of these four committees will be part of the Conference Steering Grouv which will be the major decision-making and co-ordinating body. George Wootton is the chairman of this body and Gerrv Llovd of B.C.1.T. is his co- chairman. This Steering Groun will also include two council members appointed by B.C.A.C. (B.C. Association of Colleges), two nrincipals annointed by their provincial group. two students appointed bv the Provincial Student Association. two faculty members appointed bv the College Faculty Federation and the Society of Vocational Instructors, the A.C.C.C. Executive Director, the B.C. Regional PRenresentative of A.C.C.C., and a Department of Education renresentative, nrobablv Andy Soles. The first meeting of the Conference Steering Groun will be the week of Februarv 24th. We are expecting 890 - 19090 delegates to this conference, not including many faculty members from the local colleges who will participate only at sessions in which they are interested or as resource personnel. I would advise you to plan ahead as to your participation in this exciting College Canada 75 Conference! Andre Piquette B. C. Representative for A.C.C.C.