mey de ‘in ‘the comigunities ‘served an “the influence ‘over ‘Gollegess’ tie ae solleges if recom=-<*,*°Of more tofcern is the ai 3 a’ task force: are: -j Mient’s attitude toward education . = ae Adopted: by" the: provincial’ govern » ‘control in. gene "might be . ‘The : ine: d. Education Minister, ‘‘xevealed if the task force’s recom- ‘ Eileen; -Dailly has” “already said: “ssendations are adopted: : The a some of the Tecommendation® | ‘government has said the local tax- oa seem “good” to hers" “payers should not lose the auton “. = The existing colleges were eatin: omy they exercise. through. thei ye ished. as community institutions; | “school boards in elementary and) reflecting: the needs and aspira-, ‘ gecondary é ucation, éven though - . tions of the areas they were. set . Victoria provides the lioh’s shate - +. up to'serve. The people of the °. of thé funding. And that’s as. it. ‘communities were represented on ered te the: governing councils ° through Ee their elected. tru o The — a oa ave been ‘very success- | ‘which seems to reflect favor- in ‘ably’on the existing structures. POUGLAS 2 - But ‘the task force Pecunia ARCH, ES that the trustee representatives he _ eliminated. from the college coun- ‘. f a cils. It says the:colleges should be ~ f Ate "governed by 15-member boards, 10 — members appointed by the provin- — cial. government and five elected , iv es _ by: college teachers, students, ‘sup. b Port staff and trustees. . Uv There may be every justification for the teachers, students a sup- ‘port staff to’he included_in board — . ‘structure, Indeed, fates oe . ‘. ‘provides. most of the financing for _ gthe colleges, tat may . | be: right i in securing control of. the ‘governing board. ee But is there. bis her aiyertdtn for "eliminating “th people. csotirely: . from the board tse? True, the trustees . will continiis - “to have some input by helping to choose ° five. of. the. government ‘» ¢ appointees. ‘ion. com* { ‘munity_representation. _. + Inthe first place, the me can presumably reject any ‘or alt of the names submitted by the © trustees. In the second place, five @ b representatives cannot — possibly P| reflectéall tha>diverse interests ofe ‘moved from that influence, can thie schools be mie oa a hoy + A e OLLEGE Li BRARY