enriched with related activities: visit- ing schools; acting as resource people to administration; assisting community groups and agencies; departmental liaison; and participation in task forces and opera- tional meetings." KKK "T like the idea that our department is always ready to try out new ideas, and, indeed, is expected to do so. This keeps us stimulated. I particularly like the idea that we meet regularly and are kept generally well-informed on happenings throughout the College." KKK "T also try to be an agent of change. I have a commitment to work with people in groups because the dynamics of group inter- action are growth-producing." KKK "My job puts demands upon my flexibility because of my role as a counsellor on all three campuses. This often creates the need to convert my car to an office, or to clear space on someone's desk for a temporary working area. "With this ambivalence, however, comes an awareness of each campus, an opportunity to know students on each campus, and a better knowledge of each community. The multi-campus concept has become a very real thing for me with both its advantages and disadvantages." STUDENT AIDES ... -- Debbie Anderson, Connie Bergstrome, Joanne Barnes, Pam Constantine, Ken Hendricks, Andrew Trace, Susan Smith, Ben Kawaguchi, Theresa Phillips "T am a part-time student, working for extra money so that I can attend Douglas College. My role is to ease the load of the counsellors so that they, in turn, may function better in theirs. "I intercede on questions that are within my capacity to answer; handle telephone calls; take messages; arrange appointments; run errands; make coffee; and, in general, help to create an atmosphere of ease and relaxation for students. "To do this, however, requires effort, a desire to help the students, and co- operation with other department members. We are all trying to work as one; we expect the unexpectable; and we tolerate other's mistakes." KKK "My role is to help, wherever possible, all who come into the Student Development Centre, otherwise known as the non-profit coffee dispensary. My view of my job? I~ want to be useful -- and I sure have plenty of opportunity to be useful." aK "I work in the reading and study skills section. My job is to catch all the hay e that falls off Al's fork, and this keeps me pretty busy. I view my job very seri- ously, so excuse the occasional light- heartedness." aAKK "My main duty in the office is to cover the desk, and to make visitors to the Student Development Centre feel welcome. I type, am responsible for the mail, make coffee, give out information, and help students or refer them to someone more knowledgeable." KKK "All I have to offer students is my own personal knowledge of the courses, and where they may locate helpful reading material. I believe study skills and reading ability are fundamental, thus I am helping students to obtain a richer and more rewarding learning experience SeRENe their stay at Douglas."