tos Aactty dh a Kangeo Cin fel, = Continuing Part-Time Appointments Mrs. Louise Pelton has been given a one-year appointment as instructor in remedial English at the Haney Correctional Centre. Mrs. Pelton began teacher training at the Ottawa Teachers College and subsequently taught for three years at the elementary level. Mrs. Mildred O. Wirtanen has been given a two-year re-appointment as instructor in remedial English at the Haney Correctional Centre. She joined Douglas a year ago and has worked at Haney since. Full-Time Appointments Mr. M. Dennis Fitzgerald will join Douglas on December 1, 1973, as instructor in Graphics and Communication Arts to replace Sid Dyke. Mr. Fitzgerald is presently on the faculty of Sheridan College at Oakville, Ontario, where he has been a teaching master since 1968. Mr. Fitzgerald spent last summer in Denver, Colorado, developing a special project for his College President on computer-produced animation. The Denver Centre has contracts with Woodwards and other B.C. firms to produce materials for T.V. commercials and this recent concept will be introduced to our students. He trained at the London School of Painting and the Chelsea School of Art and spent four years in advertising, four in painting, and a year teaching at the Birmingham College of Art, before coming to Canada in 1967. He spent a year at the Memorial University of Newfoundland as Art Director of the Educational Television Centre before accepting the position at Sheridan College. Full-Time Appointments on Temporary Contracts - September lst to December 31/73 Dr. Jocelyn C. Creigh of Langley, who has been a part-time instructor for several semesters, has been given a contract for the fall of 1973 to replace Mrs. Dini Evanier. Mr. Hubert K. Headley of Coquitlam, has been given a full-time contract for the fall of 1973 to teach music history, replacing Murray Carmack, who is taking educational leave. Mr. J. Maurice Hodgson of Richmond, who has previously taught part-time at the College, is now working full-time in the area of creative writing. He replaces David Evanier. Mr. Larry W. Mitchell of Vancouver was on full-time faculty from 1970 to 1972. He is employed in the Social Sciences Department teaching Psychology half-time. In addition he is working half-time doing basic research on the Basic Education/ Foundations Programme. Mrs. E. (Beth) Merris cf vancouver has been given a full-time appointment as a Counsellor. ger , che half of Ann Frost which is busy programming and 2 the quarter of Sucs ~sson which is working with the Medical Centre Committee. Beth is working on mond Campus. Mr. Galen S. Teel of White xock hus been given a contract to teach full-time Sociology this fall to replace Bob Howell, who has been seconded to the joint Douglas College/Capilano College Educational Television (E.T.V.) project.