The Other Files An investigation of ghosts, aliens, werewolves, and other urban legends Jessica Berget ~ Editor-in-Chief they originated. The Other Press investigates these myths and the real- FE veryone loves a good urban legend, but very rarely do people know how life experiences of people who have claimed to see them. Vampires he legend of vampires come from a famous Romanian ruler, Vlad the Impaler. During his reign from 1456 to 1462, he was known for being brutally cruel, and even got his name from his favourite way of destroying enemies—impaled on a wooden stake. In legends, Vlad would wash his hands in the blood of his victims before dinner. There’s no telling if this is true, but it does show how Bram Stoker got the inspiration for the book that began the vampire urban legend—Dracula. Legend also says that during a battle in a valley, he retreated his troops so that the sun would be in the enemy’s eyes. He then released rabid bats who would fly away from the sun and towards the opposing army. There is no source for this which may point to it being false, but this is where the vampire turning into bats myth came about. Nowadays, the legend of vampires continues with many people claiming to be vampires, blood drinking and all. Werewolves t’s hard to pinpoint where exactly the | myth about people turning into wolves came about. Some scholars believe the myth originated from the oldest Western prose, The Epic of Gilgamesh. In the story, Gilgamesh rejects a lover after he finds out she turned her ex into a wolf. Werewolves also make an appearance in a Greek mythological story called the Legend of Lycaon. After Lycaon, son of Pelasgus, serves God Zeus the remains of a boy, Zeus is offended and turns him and his sons into wolves. Many also believe that early serial killers were the origin stories behind this legend. In the 16th century, a few Frenchmen claimed to possess an ointment that turned them into wolves—and while under the spell they would murder and sometimes eat children. They were all burned at the stake for this, but the threat of werewolves was still looming. Much like the witch trials, hundreds of thousands of accused werewolves were put to death in horribly gruesome fashions. Aliens he first publicized account of an alleged alien abduction was in 1961. The story is that Betty and Barney Hill were driving home late one night when they saw a bright light following them. They got home at 5 am, not able to recollect what had happened to them. After getting terrible nightmares and unexplained anxiety, they went to a psychiatrist. After a while, they remembered that they were abducted by aliens and used for experimentation—and then had their memories erased. There have been thousands of reports of aliens and Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) since then. According to Global News, four out of five Canadians believe in aliens, and almost half of all Canadians believe they have visited Earth. van Al Iu Mi aT \|